Sometimes, local craftsmen make good blades, even from a simple carbon steel, sprinkling in forging iron bar crumbs. Prokovyvayut metal strip, folding it repeatedly. Carbon in iron, diffusing into adjacent areas, turning them into steel. It turns out that something like Damascus. Naturally, a good blade can be obtained only with great experience and "feel" of the metal.
At mass production of strip knives (blades) are made by hot pressing, with home-made – by cutting from sheet material or forging of the rod. It is said that the forged blade is stronger – maybe, but at subsequent stages recrystallization process is detail, and this additional strength is largely lost, in contrast to the dowel (procrastination) in the hardened state, such as scythes, spades, where a cold deformation improves the properties material. In the handicraft production of billet 95H18 easily spoil the non-compliance with the thermal regime of forging. After heat treatment, the blade should be the final sanding, finishing and sharpening the cutting edge. Typically, the angle convergence bevels on the blade strip, which form a blade sharpening angle is less than cutting edge – it's easier to grind it to provide quick and editing, particularly useful to sharpen the blade with a concave cross-sectional profile. Angle grinding for all kinds of work done varies.
For example, 8-12 – for razors, 10-15 – for Skinner, 12-20 – cutting knives for hunting, 20-30 – for woodwork (chisel, ax), 30-45 – for cutting raw bones, 40-60 – a saber. Hack nails pierce barrels of gasoline (as for promotional purposes, some companies do) and even open the cans without prejudice to the blade at an angle can only enchant, which corresponds to this "work – 55-65 . At cutting blades of each other's victory will not ensure a knife, which is made of better steel, but what has more edge angle. Fairly long blade can have multiple sections with different angles Sharpening the cutting edge length. Falshlezvie, as opposed to fighting knives, should not be acutely sharpened as at the opening of the peritoneum is only prevents, but can be used in cutting, releasing this work fine main blade. Near the heel often make a big edge angle for heavy work, or use this site to the so-called sharpening serreytornoy – sharpening serrated saw-like, consisting of identical or alternating more and less deep grooves that run across the edge. Options such sharpening set to the same blade with a sharpened very effective when working with hard parts of muscle, cartilage, tendons, rope (parachute Cutters). Old Finnish knives, knives, blades are gradually thinning towards the point, have a variable angle grinding (grinding plane is twisted propeller on each side). Some northern peoples of Russia have traditionally enjoyed a one-sided blade sharpening. To finish today's blades manufacturing companies use a method electropolishing and came into the fashion fine sanding. In order to camouflage combat knives are often tinted. Hunting knife is only good enough to polish to enhance the anticorrosive properties of the metal and less clogging the blade when cutting a trophy.