Month: February 2020

United Trade Limited London

The methodology IA Blanca is only used two indicators to assess and even predict the overall attractiveness of the industry. The author notes that the reason for this choice are strategic goals of the organization, a fact that, in turn, led to the exclusion of consideration of short-term expediency and subjective factors determining the choice of tactics functioning at present. This approach seems somewhat inadequate, since an investor who wants to part with money at the time for profit, evaluates virtually all aspects of the industry, not just two indicator. Methodology SF Pokropivny, by contrast, is replete with various types of indicators that might be the streamlining and substitution to more accurately calculate them, with the quality and absolute figures advisable to replace the relative that, given their economic significance, it is possible and economically justified. The same technique should be used when evaluating the attractiveness of businesses on how to VG Fedorenko, which is inherent subjectivity and a lack of accurate calculation scheme of analytical performance. Thus, as the criteria for selecting methods of assessing the overall attractiveness of the industry in business should, in our view, the act: the adequacy of current market conditions, the validity of analytical indicators; accuracy results should be compared with the real state sector in the economy, Specifically, the structure of investments in areas of activity.

The coincidence of the results obtained according to methods developed, and the actual structure of investment by industry – one of the conditions for informed and accurate predicting the attractiveness of sectors and subsectors of the economy for business.


With a population of 1, 2 billion people, China is the most populous country in the world. In addition, China – one of the most ancient states emerging from the board a number of emperors in the period from 2000 BC. Oe. to 90s. when I was founded the People's Republic. Spontaneous civil war has made it possible Japanese invasion of China in 1931 after the expulsion of the Japanese at the end of World War II, civil war resumed. Finally, in 1949 Communist forces of Mao Zedong defeated the nationalist army under General Chai Kai-shek. In the days of Mao Zedong's communism in China went through three stages.

The first stage – the "great leap" (1958-1960) – was in the program rapid industrialization of the country by increasing the number of small businesses that produced labor-intensive products. The failure of this program led eventually to the top of the "cultural revolution" (1966), while a Chinese youth, urged on by the governing Communist cadres, had a total purge of party members suspected of deviation from the doctrines of Mao. The ensuing political chaos of these events again pushed for an indefinite time, the economic development of the country, as many skilled and educated members of society were sent to the village "to atone for his ideological sins." After Mao's death in 1976, new Chinese government adopted a program of development of the country on the basis of a limited free market. In agriculture, was partially restored private property, and businesses have the right to open small businesses such as restaurants or light industry. Foreign companies were allowed to open joint ventures with Chinese firms. As a result of all these reforms dramatically increased the amount of Foreign Direct Investment in China's economy, which led to the rapid economic development, as well as to revive the hopes of the Chinese people for political freedom. At the same time, Communist leaders unwilling to cede their power. The use of weapons against thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in June 1989 led to a cooling of political and economic relations between China and the "quartet" that lasted for several years.

But be that as it may, China is on its unique path of development. Under the watchful guidance of the Communist Party of China continues to policy-oriented free market. As a consequence of such a combination of communism and the free market, China's economy shows signs of growing "schizophrenia." State-owned enterprises known for their low productivity and cheap knockoffs, struggling for survival. Starting in 1998, with these enterprises have been laid off 28.5 million workers, which led to social unrest and political instability throughout strane.5 On the other hand, energizing the private sector of the Chinese economy has attracted the attention of many companies from all over the world, foreign direct investment has increased sharply since 1992, deserve special attention increased investment made by investors in the Chinese economy, Chinese from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. These investors perceive China as a source of hard-working, low-wage labor force – the goods, which is becoming more rare in their countries. Recently, large Chinese cities have experienced rapid economic development, which is not the country's rural areas, where there are about 900 million people. Elimination the widening gap in living standards between rural and urban population in China – that's the main problem to be solved by the leaders of China.

Productive Intelligence

This proposal appeared in a research of field in the Fair of the Entrepreneur in the Expo? Center organized for the SEBRAI/S.P where they had participated micron, average and great Companies in the diverse pursuings of market. At the moment of the research of field in the Fair of the Entrepreneur, this researcher observed a great number of Companies of directed consultorias to supply reeducativas necessities and innovations in the production of the Companies. This article also looks for to debate the man as to be social that even so limited for the conditions, space and secular, where if they find, they possess in its essence intelligences that if reveal when despertados by an educational environment. It was through the research of field and the reading of some authors who, with ousadia that this researcher, indicates in this article the Pedagogo as Productive Intelligence. This as a new professional who, with its pedagogical knowledge in the area of the education, awake and potencializa intelligences in the professionals of the corporative world for its success not only professional, but as person human being. JUSTIFICATION the Pedagogo as Productive Intelligence has as purpose through the education a requalification in the mental process of the man, that is, a quality of thought as human being and professional in way to the differences and the scientific and technological transformations, as it clarifies (LIBNEO, 2005 P.

28) ' ' in fact with ' ' intelectualizao' ' of the productive process, the worker cannot more be improvisado' '. The intention of the Pedagogo as ' ' Produtiva&#039 intelligence; ' is to use its tool of work the Education, as: didactic knowledge, pedagogical activities and critical reflection to construct of a new relation of work, therefore according to Anthropologist Carlos Brando cited for (LIBNEO; 2005 p.26) ' ' nobody escapes of educao' '. Pedagogo as Productive Intelligence has the intentional education all as performance field, being mediating in surrounding where the man exists, through new concepts of thoughts, knowledge, Intelligences and productivity of the citizen, and to acquire knowledge that all the people have its importance and its contribution, since the simplest activity of production, until most complex.