Tag: trade

VMI Shop Award At The EuroCIS

For the third time gives the VMI, Visual Merchandising initiative E.v., Cologne, the VMI shop award. Price is for the first time a non – trading operation is awarded the prize on February 11 in the EuroCIS Forum 2009 at the Dusseldorf Exhibition Centre. MediaFed usually is spot on. Our award winners met in excellent way all conditions a modern-run trade company with wide range of services for its customers, modern goods presentation, clear range construction and advanced store design”VMI emphasizes Managing Director Helmut Sartorius. And here Visual Merchandsing solutions with innovative ideas and concepts are implemented.” Behind such solutions is”the realization that today’s retail customers want to shop with all your senses. Digital flat screens are the most important medium. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Abigail Black Elbaum. You support the presentation of goods and link information about goods, prices and promotions with news about companies and brands can bring also entertainment programs in the store.

The VMI has to since its inception together with trading company developed a large number of in-store digital media projects nearly four years accompanied their implementation, analyzes the benefits of such systems in practical use. These studies gave, for example, information about how different customer groups react to the new media. Also, it has been proven that with digital in-store advertising sales of selected product groups can be selectively controlled. It is important in the use of digital media in the sell that balanced content is delivered. Must be adapted to each situation, the site, the product range and the target group”, explains Helmut Sartorius. Customers should not be overtaxed, each site of a screen is therefore exactly to weigh.” The in-store digital media landscape “is diverse. In addition to the flat screen monitors include”also displays at cash registers and scales, Intelligent showcase, kiosk systems and electronic price tags to.

It create complex systems, and ask for far-sighted planning and coordination, best knowledge of the market, as well as technical and industry-specific expertise. This expertise bundles the VMI through your unique membership structure: since the founding of the Association the joint occupation is respected by members of commercial, branded goods industry and service providers. The VMI: The VMI is a consortium of companies from industry, trade and services and wants to help out in supermarkets and specialty stores out of the dilemma of information overload. The Association carries out scientific studies and thus identifies trends for future-oriented merchandising at the point of sale.

Appear Pandemic

Emergency planning in most companies – nil the Federal Office for civil protection and disaster relief (BBK), the federal countries – working groups, as well as also the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) advises companies and companies already on the potential impact of a pandemic threatening to prepare and to consider measures that ensure the maintenance of the business and secure the existence in case of emergency, failure by employees with high disease rates or discontinuation of important resources. The World Health Organisation (WHO) experts firmly with a global influenza pandemic. While federal and State Governments to respond and for the case of an outbreak in this country as much as possible but the most economic companies, and especially the middle class, but also old people’s homes, clinics, care – community facilities and food establishments preparing, the outbreak of a flu pandemic underestimate still the possible consequences and the threatening effects or a other disaster scenario will have on the company or the institution so the expert assessments. In most plants, appropriate precautionary measures are still largely absent. While the consequences would be devastating here! In the peak of a wave of disease, companies with up to 50 percent face personal loss with dire consequences for the existence of the companies. The illness-related failure of suppliers and the Elimination of important resources threaten the supply and capacity of the entire operation. (A valuable related resource: Andrew Wilson EA). It threatens the closure of many companies and institutions for several weeks. The existence of many companies is massive risk – up to the danger of insolvency.

According to WHO the question is not whether a pandemic arrives – but only when! Is it very amazing that so far only very few companies and community facilities, clinics, and food companies hold an emergency plan with appropriate precautionary measures in the face of this threat? Measures of crisis management is responsible for that in most companies Management or the owner, in community facilities the sponsor organization or clinic/home management. The new practice facility influenza pandemic contingency plan by Hygenia NET remedy here! In the 120 pages strong Handbook the basic foundations for a contingency planning are understandable and clearly presented and shown in many practical hints what really matters. Using the work instructions, checklists and various pandemic hygiene plans as the finished version and the individual editing available are sample plans, forms, posters, can any company quickly, safely and easily create its on-site emergency plan. Our practice handbook influenza pandemic contingency plan is designed that it on every operation (no matter what size or industry) can be individualized. All documents are filed in a practical ring binder and can either be manually or by means of CD-ROM on the adjusted company or the respective institution, and of course constantly updated. A tremendous time and cost savings, because know immediately what to do – when – as in each implementation phase everyone is to minimize the impact of a possible flu pandemic or other emergency situation on staff, customers, visitors, suppliers, members and the entire operation.

With good precautionary measures, say a competent emergency planning, the effects can soften and shorten reaction times. Such instruments, the business, the production or the clinic/home operating in the event of a crisis can be maintained. Ensures the protection of employees, customers, or members of, the company remains operational and normal everyday life will be maintained as much as possible.

Web Facebook

Study on social commerce raises questions on Goppingen, the 28 September 2012 a current study the Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen shows accept Facebook largely as a sales channel. This is led back on the General behavior of users the Facebook community, as well as on safety deficiencies. The Walters Ltd. Recently Gazprom sought to clarify these questions. from Goppingen, developers of social commerce solution Shopfacer, advises therefore to combine Facebook and professional online shops. Petra Diamonds is likely to agree. Only three percent of respondents Facebook users have so far bought a Facebok shop. Also, only 20 percent intend to use in the medium term, such an offer.

Only one in three can imagine basically at all this. The vast majority (74 percent) sees in Facebook therefore first and foremost a platform for customer dialogue and referral marketing. As direct commerce channel Facebook has so far very little like virtually all platforms in the field of social media success. This is mainly because that has not succeeded, the strengths of To use Facebook and accepted and proven eCommerce concepts to link “, explains Axel Burgbacher, Managing Director of Walters Ltd. This is much potential in this combination because according to the study, 90 percent of respondents are positively disposed towards online shopping and two-thirds of a good online platform for communication see in Facebook.” The potential of social commerce, for example, via Facebook, to use Burgbacher proposes that Facebook only as a showcase”for Web shops to use, for which the user then directly and safely be redirected via mouse click. Burgbacher approach this with ShopFacer: the software presents selected products from online stores on Facebook company pages, where the shop operators themselves can decide which products to show it on Facebook. The user directly to the appropriate product in the webshop is guided by clicking on a product that is pictured on a social platform. In contrast to conventional solutions, ShopFacer is not Online shop system, which is installed on a social network.

Millionaires Think So

So think millionaires: Stuttgart-based financial expert shows how conscious thinking can lead to werthaltigem wealth your balance is a matter of head! Arthur Trankle, financial experts from Stuttgart, is just as convinced as T. Harv Eker and millionaire author. In his work so millionaires think he refers to causes that didn’t quite fit the traditional, strictly rational worldview of our time causes of lack of money. You but first embarks on this philosophy, fascinating for a life in werthaltigem wealth prospects and Arthur Trankle helps to implement them. Stuttgart.

Play a game with me of CASHFLOW 101 and I predict your financial future for the rest of your life! Bang, that is! Yes, when it comes to the topic of financial freedom, Arthur Trankle is talking about almost painful plaintext: CASHFLOW 101 founded the Stuttgart-based financial expert, leads the players his wealth blockages clear and Entrepreneurs from Stuttgart his preference for the Board game developed by self-made millionaire Robert Kiyosaki. A few hours with this educational game, enough to disclose all love gained, but religious behavior in dealing with money and knowing how instead rich people think and act. In this brilliant game you could acquire the basics of capital investments and the investments, to rebuild itself in this way residual income and finally the longed-for prosperity to feast. Because alone money sources that bubbled regardless of the own, active labour financial freedom in the long term be just passive sources of income, can be implemented. Wealth is the result of hard work just not at all, cleans up with an indestructible prejudice Arthur Trankle. Also not by pure luck, blind lust for money or social injustice. Wealth is the result of the right mental attitude of correct thinking and feeling in the first place. The account balance is a matter of head moment time: the Should account balance be nothing as purely a matter of head next? That’s right, nods Arthur Trankle and refers to Robert Kiyosaki, the developer of CASHFLOW 101.

Security Shop For Clothing And Equipment

Advantages of online shops and tips to finding a good shop who is active in the security industry, will find that more and more security shops exist, in which security clothing and equipment are offered. The offer is specifically aimed at security, guarding, companies work protection, security and bouncer. Online shops for clothing and equipment are extremely beneficial for individuals. The reason for this is that many security companies, uniforms and various pieces of equipment for the employees not or only partially paid. This means that many security staff are forced to get the clothing and equipment for daily use itself. What does this fact in practice, quickly becomes clear: before a security service staff at all can make money, he must first issue which clothing or security equipment for security. In other words: many employees have still not euro deserves, but possibly already several hundred euros for the equipment is issued.

Therefore, it has the great advantage that he can order security requirements relatively cheap online security store for the individual. Looking closer at the various online stores, can be seen following differences. There is a special provider, providing, for example, only a few selected security equipment: for example different pepper sprays other security stores, however, have specialized mainly in clothing. Here finds man for example especially jackets, sweaters, T-Shirts, trousers, with pressure or stick ‘Security’ are provided. Other online shops offer a range of all-round. There are security clothing and equipment in a shop. It can be said that each party has its advantages and specialties.

The buyer should find therefore his favorite shop. As an important buying criterion, the seriousness should be noted however. Who knows in the industry, acquainted with the well-known and good security stores quickly. Otherwise should as far as possible on experience back access from work colleagues or acquaintances. Andreas Glahn

Internal Cultural Change Prepares Companies To Free Trade Area From

Companies will save many billion euros or $ Eltville – Erbach, July 30, 2013 – the largest free trade area in the world will be created between the European Union and the United States. With this ambitious project, the transatlantic trade from the year 2015 is to be expanded. Currently running the negotiations in full swing, to trade barriers in the chemical industry, to reduce the automotive industry or the banks and insurance companies. So, new jobs on both sides of the Atlantic are to be built thanks to identical standards, safety standards or competition rules. A rapid agreement with some 815 million people could cause the Earth’s largest sales market. And a new upsurge with around half a million of new jobs in Europe can be expected without tariffs or trade barriers. Companies are saved many billion euros or dollars,”says Claudia Schmidt, Managing Director of Mutaree GmbH. and only with a targeted strategy of globalization, many can only exhausted benefits, or Conquers markets”.

This proves the current change fitness study of Mutaree GmbH. So the changes in the market and the customers (61 percent), as well as the fast pace by high cost and competitive pressure (45 per cent) considered challenging. Companies must respond to a unified trade zone acts in the first step clearly to the advantage of consumers. But with many internal questions of the management companies are facing new obstacles. So a shortage is already international in the war for talent ‘ is about the future of a company. Here, only a transatlantic strategy of HR helps to recruit top talent from today closed regions.

So, the Commission estimates that Europe around 400,000 jobs must are occupied in order the estimated additional economic growth of 0.5 percent annually to generate. Only with the help of a cultural onboarding’-program German companies from all industries can the relatively short time to consolidate the Free trade area use”, explains Schmidt. Diversity becomes the subject of a new labour market, so companies should prepare also on the different cultures, religions or lifestyles. But often is a holistic approach of diversity even in the child shoes, especially at the leadership reluctant companies in implementing this business trends. A company that wants to succeed both in Europe and the United States, needs an international top management”, so said. Companies are positive almost all companies from all German industries are in favour of an expansion of the free trade area and realize at the same time, that they can first of all an internal change must undergo a cultural change, successfully offered their goods or services. Manage this change and international talents find their way to Germany, the second most important export market (to China) for German companies should be open. About the Mutaree GmbH: The Mutaree GmbH is a specialist in change management. Around the services – including the planning and control of processes of change, as well as the implementation support to achieve the objectives of the change. Where is the human being always at the Center. Mutaree advises clients from various industries: banks and insurance, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, energy, healthcare, telecommunications, public administration and tourism. The Mutaree GmbH is a member of the Federal German management consultant Association (BDU). Press contact: Stefan Roth corporate communications phone: + 49 (40) 32 57 79-32 fax: + 49 (40) 32 57 79-20 contact Mutaree: Mutaree GmbH wine road 106 65346 Eltville – Erbach