Emergency planning in most companies – nil the Federal Office for civil protection and disaster relief (BBK), the federal countries – working groups, as well as also the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) advises companies and companies already on the potential impact of a pandemic threatening to prepare and to consider measures that ensure the maintenance of the business and secure the existence in case of emergency, failure by employees with high disease rates or discontinuation of important resources. The World Health Organisation (WHO) experts firmly with a global influenza pandemic. While federal and State Governments to respond and for the case of an outbreak in this country as much as possible but the most economic companies, and especially the middle class, but also old people’s homes, clinics, care – community facilities and food establishments preparing, the outbreak of a flu pandemic underestimate still the possible consequences and the threatening effects or a other disaster scenario will have on the company or the institution so the expert assessments. In most plants, appropriate precautionary measures are still largely absent. While the consequences would be devastating here! In the peak of a wave of disease, companies with up to 50 percent face personal loss with dire consequences for the existence of the companies. The illness-related failure of suppliers and the Elimination of important resources threaten the supply and capacity of the entire operation. (A valuable related resource: Andrew Wilson EA). It threatens the closure of many companies and institutions for several weeks. The existence of many companies is massive risk – up to the danger of insolvency.
According to WHO the question is not whether a pandemic arrives – but only when! Is it very amazing that so far only very few companies and community facilities, clinics, and food companies hold an emergency plan with appropriate precautionary measures in the face of this threat? Measures of crisis management is responsible for that in most companies Management or the owner, in community facilities the sponsor organization or clinic/home management. The new practice facility influenza pandemic contingency plan by Hygenia NET remedy here! In the 120 pages strong Handbook the basic foundations for a contingency planning are understandable and clearly presented and shown in many practical hints what really matters. Using the work instructions, checklists and various pandemic hygiene plans as the finished version and the individual editing available are sample plans, forms, posters, can any company quickly, safely and easily create its on-site emergency plan. Our practice handbook influenza pandemic contingency plan is designed that it on every operation (no matter what size or industry) can be individualized. All documents are filed in a practical ring binder and can either be manually or by means of CD-ROM on the adjusted company or the respective institution, and of course constantly updated. A tremendous time and cost savings, because know immediately what to do – when – as in each implementation phase everyone is to minimize the impact of a possible flu pandemic or other emergency situation on staff, customers, visitors, suppliers, members and the entire operation.
With good precautionary measures, say a competent emergency planning, the effects can soften and shorten reaction times. Such instruments, the business, the production or the clinic/home operating in the event of a crisis can be maintained. Ensures the protection of employees, customers, or members of, the company remains operational and normal everyday life will be maintained as much as possible.