Both the characteristics if articulate, in turn, in what it constitutes the true conducting wire of the construction of the problematic one and its exposition: the representations of the workers on the relations, of which they participate and the vises constructed on its proper history. The direct comment of the group – during more than nine months of field work – adds the treatment of the collected historical information of the evaluations of the laborers on its past and its histories of life; to this if it adds an enormous volume of data constructed by means of the use of numerous other sources that, in turn, reflect representations of others as many actors that they participate of this social process: since workmanships of local cronistas and manuscripts of the autobiografia of a former-laborer of the company, until daily and magazines of local circulation on the organizations religious politics or, annual acts of the distinct syndical organizations of the So Paulo Company and reports and archives of the proper company. They are added, finally, information proceeding from the consultation the periodic archives and in the cities of Recife and from Rio De Janeiro, what it contributes to endow the book with Lopes Milk of a certain epic character, for the abundance of information detailed on the social relations in the Company during last the 50 years. Of the reading of the Weaving of the Conflicts of Classroom in the City of the Chimneys the certainty of that, in Social Sciences, the metaphors are much more that appears one ‘ ‘ resource of estilo’ ‘: they constitute a true instrument theoretician-metodolgico. To start for the heading of the workmanship, the enormous possibility of unfoldings contained in the proper idea of ‘ ‘ tecelagem’ ‘ , as acertadamente it designates Lopes Milk: on the other hand, the proper textile production, with its army of teceles and fiandeiros; for another one, the idea of weaving suggests the development of an active process of autoconstruo, of a social group.
Tag: history
Each party are a place of memory and utopia, that the playful one detaches, running away from the routine; a social meeting, between the s cultural diversities, where the individuals are taken, to the collective delirium, which to put absorb or are devorados, for such feeling. Therefore, we can conclude that, in agreement as two the main and antagonistic theoretical models of social sciences on the party, it is the momentnea experimentation of the society without rules, exempts of data organization way, having the function to reiterate or to deny the way for which a society if organizes, in data historical moment, through the temporary dissolution that the desregramento allows. It reiterates (Durkhein, 1968) the social organization when perceivable becoming the imprescindibilidade of the limiter rules so that the society if does not dissolve in the chaos and the harmony of which the party, costuma to be the example. LEGO Papert Professor: the source for more info. Or, on the other hand, ' ' negaria' ' this same organization through the desregramento, to affirm the utopia of the ideal society, new, in which the joy and the total interaction with the proper nature human being, are the model of the full and happy life. The utopia of the return to the primordial paradise. Necessary E, however, to lead in consideration that both the theoretical models had been constructed taking as references the parties of the societies ' ' simples' ' , in which the adhesion the cultural values can give in way a little more homogeneous than in a society ' ' completa' ' , where some coexistentes groups had defended proper values, exclusive and even though antagonistic many times, becoming more difficult to think that the parties of an intensely pluricultural society can ' ' negar' ' or ' ' afirmar' ' a set of values established and partilhados for all. The parties also mean the destruction of the differences between the individuals, and them they associate the violence and to the conflicts, therefore they are the differences that keep the order. In the party, to the differences to be dissolved, destroying the rules that separate, the violence without always find latent. When analyzing the parties, we can find mediaes privileged, between varied dimensions and structure, joining the past to the gift, the gift to the future, the life and the death, sacred and the profane one, the fancy and the reality, symbolic and the concrete, the myths and history, the place and the global one, the nature and the culture between many other, the parties constitute a transcendental event, a world ideal, without time nor space, where the imagination everything can produce, transform and remake. A symbolic solution, therefore, when joining the being to the one in the o to be, atravsda accomplishment of all the utopias despite for brief periods, ' ' it places in cena' ' , collective and individual pormeio of its dramatizados aspects more, projects, materialize dreams, yearnings and fancies, at the same time where, far from constituting an alienator phenomenon, separate and distant of the real life, the resolution of real problems is also turned, through organization of the groups in local level, aiming at for example; to always search profits, either for social ends, politicians, economic and religious.
French historian, Fustel de Coulanges was born in Paris the 18 of March of 1930 and died in Massy the 12 of September of 1889. 1850 he registered himself the cole Normale Suprieure of Paris, moving in 1853 to the French School of Atenas. Between 1853 and 1858, he was busy in studies and archaeological research in the island of Quio. In 1858, it was doutorou, defending the thesis Polybe or La Grce conquise pair you read romaim (Polbio or Greece conquered for the Romans), and in 1860 was nominated professor of history in the college of letters of Strasbourg, where it remained up to 1870. Lecionou to follow in the college of letters of Paris and in 1878 assumed the chair of medieval history in the Sorbonne.
Its last important position was of director of the cole Normale Suprieure, from 1880. Fustel de Coulanges remodelled the method of the historical studies in France, being responsible for a more scientific boarding of the subjects of old history. It was opposed the mere livresca erudio, preferring to value the certification of the historical facts, supplied for the texts of time and for the traditions, in order to print greater objetividade to its studies. It intended to ahead assume one total imparcialidade of the facts, in well diverse attitude of the one of the romantic historians had preceded who it, as Michelet, over all for the determination to prevent the confusion between the historical study and other interests. Its method, as well as its conceptions of old history and French history, had excited many controversies and accusations. Those defends that it assure the respect and the confidence that inspire the workmanships of Coulanges for having been established in documents and the direct analysis of the texts. In counterpoint, its critics accuse ferrenhos to demonstrate it little paleogrfico knowledge, he would have what it induced the numerous errors of interpretation.
One is then about if learning making, as it suggests the concepts most modern of the Pedagogia. We look for, in the possible measure do, to rigorously follow the rules defined for the Brazilian Association of Norms Techniques – ABNT, for elaboration of scientific works. In case that some rule is not being fulfilled, the responsibility is of the carelessness of the author. The present workmanship looks for not to make it difficult the questions that involve the elaboration of a project and the report of the research, therefore can be understood as a facilitadora of the learning, where the students will be able to consult, at any time, to suppress its doubts how much to the procedures, techniques and norms of research. When we speak of a superior course, we are in relating, indirectly, to an Academy of Sciences, since any College nothing more is of what the proper place of the incessant search of scientific knowing. In this direction, this disciplines has a basic importance in the formation of the professional. If the pupils look the Academy to search to know, need to understand that Scientific Methodology nothing more is of what it disciplines.
The philosopher George Santayana affirmed that ' ' those that does not know history, are condemned repet-la' '. But that type of History would be this? To decorate names and dates or to randomly teach to the Discovery of Brazil and Escravagista Period for a child of 4 series, or Globalization for an adolescent of 6 series will not give possibilities effectively to know and to criticize these facts. History is discovered and not taught. It is necessary to motivate the pupil for the quarrel, to instigate it to criticize it the facts so that it can make a synthesis of it and compare it with the reality that the fence. She is necessary still to develop methodologies that despertem its curiosity, so that it feels will to search conhecimeto. The exarcerbado traditionalism that comes occurring in the practical one I teach-apredizagem of our education is literally threatening the construction of a better future.
But the effect of the depreciation of the good death, on the calm consideration of mortality Average Age is opposed it, of a pursued life; that the mercy could have less favorable effect; it distresses moving away it of the physical death, risking well-to be occurred, and forgetting it Metaphysical direction mortality, if differentiating the incredulity, the society starts to think about the terrena life, in way none thinking about dying. Thus, express the man of the Ocidente, reacting to a collective sensitivity ahead of the life and the death a pertaining medieval feeling to a history of the global culture. The death is an element or loaded code for the man in its traditions and experiences, that must be deciphered for compression. To substitute the death for general mortality, wants to say, the feeling of death, intent in the reality history, being diluted in the entire mass of the lost life and in its intensity. The distanciamento of a death that remains, always next, promotes a progress in the end of century XVII and mainly in the second half of century XVIII, in the desire to simplify the things of the death, with certainty to disclose tense of the nothing, differentiating the death of the deceased, and this means the abandonment natural of the bodies. However she perceives yourself that the people in century XVIII go to write wills, where consisted its will after deceased; modestly they had left written, messages, desires and norms Christian funerals. The abandonment to the executor executor will move and sensible in the end of century XVIII, which was perceived only in the literal readings left; now it passes of a will of unfastening to an affectionate reliable witness the unfastening will not being, by the way, necessarily excluded. But we cannot forget that, exactly the death, becoming complex and spread out in history man, notices the social or ritual character to it, the obligator character of the manifestations that it originarily intended to express the pain of the homesickness, the dilaceramento of a separation; is truth that the trends the ritualizao the death is well old, initiating in the Average Age with the priests, monges begging, later, confrades and the priests had taken the place to the family and the friends in pranto in the house, cortejo and the church; strengthened the impersonalidade and the ritualismos.