Rio De Janeiro

Both the characteristics if articulate, in turn, in what it constitutes the true conducting wire of the construction of the problematic one and its exposition: the representations of the workers on the relations, of which they participate and the vises constructed on its proper history. The direct comment of the group – during more than nine months of field work – adds the treatment of the collected historical information of the evaluations of the laborers on its past and its histories of life; to this if it adds an enormous volume of data constructed by means of the use of numerous other sources that, in turn, reflect representations of others as many actors that they participate of this social process: since workmanships of local cronistas and manuscripts of the autobiografia of a former-laborer of the company, until daily and magazines of local circulation on the organizations religious politics or, annual acts of the distinct syndical organizations of the So Paulo Company and reports and archives of the proper company. They are added, finally, information proceeding from the consultation the periodic archives and in the cities of Recife and from Rio De Janeiro, what it contributes to endow the book with Lopes Milk of a certain epic character, for the abundance of information detailed on the social relations in the Company during last the 50 years. Of the reading of the Weaving of the Conflicts of Classroom in the City of the Chimneys the certainty of that, in Social Sciences, the metaphors are much more that appears one ‘ ‘ resource of estilo’ ‘: they constitute a true instrument theoretician-metodolgico. To start for the heading of the workmanship, the enormous possibility of unfoldings contained in the proper idea of ‘ ‘ tecelagem’ ‘ , as acertadamente it designates Lopes Milk: on the other hand, the proper textile production, with its army of teceles and fiandeiros; for another one, the idea of weaving suggests the development of an active process of autoconstruo, of a social group.