The philosopher George Santayana affirmed that ' ' those that does not know history, are condemned repet-la' '. But that type of History would be this? To decorate names and dates or to randomly teach to the Discovery of Brazil and Escravagista Period for a child of 4 series, or Globalization for an adolescent of 6 series will not give possibilities effectively to know and to criticize these facts. History is discovered and not taught. It is necessary to motivate the pupil for the quarrel, to instigate it to criticize it the facts so that it can make a synthesis of it and compare it with the reality that the fence. She is necessary still to develop methodologies that despertem its curiosity, so that it feels will to search conhecimeto. The exarcerbado traditionalism that comes occurring in the practical one I teach-apredizagem of our education is literally threatening the construction of a better future.