Tag: education

Productive Intelligence

This proposal appeared in a research of field in the Fair of the Entrepreneur in the Expo? Center organized for the SEBRAI/S.P where they had participated micron, average and great Companies in the diverse pursuings of market. At the moment of the research of field in the Fair of the Entrepreneur, this researcher observed a great number of Companies of directed consultorias to supply reeducativas necessities and innovations in the production of the Companies. This article also looks for to debate the man as to be social that even so limited for the conditions, space and secular, where if they find, they possess in its essence intelligences that if reveal when despertados by an educational environment. It was through the research of field and the reading of some authors who, with ousadia that this researcher, indicates in this article the Pedagogo as Productive Intelligence. This as a new professional who, with its pedagogical knowledge in the area of the education, awake and potencializa intelligences in the professionals of the corporative world for its success not only professional, but as person human being. JUSTIFICATION the Pedagogo as Productive Intelligence has as purpose through the education a requalification in the mental process of the man, that is, a quality of thought as human being and professional in way to the differences and the scientific and technological transformations, as it clarifies (LIBNEO, 2005 P.

28) ' ' in fact with ' ' intelectualizao' ' of the productive process, the worker cannot more be improvisado' '. The intention of the Pedagogo as ' ' Produtiva&#039 intelligence; ' is to use its tool of work the Education, as: didactic knowledge, pedagogical activities and critical reflection to construct of a new relation of work, therefore according to Anthropologist Carlos Brando cited for (LIBNEO; 2005 p.26) ' ' nobody escapes of educao' '. Pedagogo as Productive Intelligence has the intentional education all as performance field, being mediating in surrounding where the man exists, through new concepts of thoughts, knowledge, Intelligences and productivity of the citizen, and to acquire knowledge that all the people have its importance and its contribution, since the simplest activity of production, until most complex.

Marine Astrologer

Star Well-being is a vestibule specialized in Tarot and Astrology that combines esoteric sciences with the natural therapies like way to secure to the Well-being and the balance in the love, the work and the family. The team of Star Well-being is made up of Astrologers, viewer tarotistas and specialized in the sentimental and professional advising and the natural therapies. Between the services that you can consult in Star Well-being totally free emphasize the astral letter made by the Marine Astrologer, to consult horoscopo of the month by means of the videos in Star Television with the tarotista and Selena astrologer Ruiz, to free realise a distance of tarot with Selena, customized and with the interpretation directly in your email. In addition, Star Well-being has his own Star, television channel Television, and magazine, Magazine Star, where you can mantenerte to the day in the world of the tarot, the astrology and the well-being. In him you can find, for example, the origins of the tarot, the origins of horscopo and the gypsy tarot, as well as advice stop to travel in family, to prevail in the love and hacerte bonds in the work. We invited to you to comprise of the Club Star Well-being and to be always informed into the tendencies in tarot and astrology so that you can find the balance that as much you wish. Frequently kevin ulrich has said that publicly. Our team of professionals of will guide and orient in your way so that all he is to you favorable and controls your destiny. The Well-being is in the Stars and Star Well-being helps to obtain it you.

Discover Whats Mathematical Knowledge

today I decided to write about a subject that has to do with the mathematical knowledge, but not about numbers, sets, areas of triangles, or all of those topics that we teach in school. So what is it? It is the global phobia have many students of mathematics. immediately we would have to ask: what is the reason? Is there a global conspiracy by those who teach mathematics, so this is hard to understand the students? Frankly I’d rather not believe this, but I bear witness that many universities in many countries have “star teachers.” But teachers who are the stars? Are those responsible for making the filter in the university, especially when there are more students than they should have.

These teachers are identified because they are bitter at the time of examination, since it places very high level mathematical exercises, which perhaps only they could invent or solve them. As an engineering student, I witnessed this, as we had feared reference “star teacher the third quarter “was a” prominent “because of an average of thirty or forty students show up for their course, only about two or three had the possibility of adopting its current integral calculus or math. Now I wonder Is this the true philosophy of mathematical knowledge? honestly do not believe and I say this by applying the Japanese philosophy, on the mathematical understanding, because to them it is a process that the student must be step by step and the best of this philosophy is the students just happen to the next level, until his teacher has been that this student has understood the topic, ie a little more work for teachers in Japanese and not as our Latin America, the teacher has become a “qualifier mathematical exercise, this is hard to recognize, but we must face it to start changing.

I am sure that mathematics are not difficult, because I had the good fortune to understand this science and we should give it a totally different approach to education that is being given, but this mission is not only the teachers, too corresponds to the psychological panic students leave this area and the first thing you should remove the language is that famous little phrase “I’m bad at math.” when we begin to look with different eyes and another thought, surely increase the number of students to begin to “understand the mathematical language.” This is the secret of mathematical understanding. We should be starting this task and for this many governments should restructure honestly how we evaluate students, and that it is better to understand a few things for life, to understand many things, just for an exam, which a few hours we have forgotten. I hope this letter will serve as a reflection and analysis for those who want a change in education that promotes the understanding of our next generations..


But scientists, like those who are employees of NASA and other organizations recognize that the lie of trying to intimidate people is a distraction from more important academic issues such as global warming and depletion of the gene pool. We live in a country where rampant freedom of speech (freedom of the press), but it also implies freedom to lie. You should be pleased that there is no censorship. But if you'll just use common sense, I'm sure you'll be able to recognize faulty information. As soon as we approach 2012, the lie will become more apparent.

18. Can you prove to me that the existence of Nibiru – a lie? So many posts that in 2012, something terrible will happen! It is illogical to ask to prove that the Judgement Day 2012 – a lie. Your questions should be addressed to the defenders of the theory of the end of the world that they have shown that telling the truth, rather than NASA must prove that they are hypocrites. If someone is declared on the Internet that Cleveland purple elephant is walking tall in a 50-feet, it would someone to expect that NASA will prove that it is not true? The burden of proof rests on those who make the 'wild' statements. Remember the often quoted statement from Carl Sagan (Carl Sagan), that extraordinary claims require an extraordinary level of evidence, if they want to believe them. Nevertheless, I believe that astronomers have reached a level where we can offer very strong arguments for the claim that Nibiru does not exists.

Scientific Publications

The purpose of developing these recommendations, the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications (Committee of Publication Ethics) was founded in 1997 in order to streamline the presentation of the ethics of scientific research and publications. It is a voluntary consultative discussion organization involved in the development of various aspects of good practice research and publications. It is extremely important to define good practice and high ethical scientific publications. These recommendations are intended for authors, editors, editorial board members, readers, owners of journals and publishers. Integrity and high ethical standards are needed at all stages organizing and conducting biomedical research, reporting their findings; this approach ensures the detection and prevention of unfair practices publications.

And that was the main aim of developing these recommendations. The Appendix lists other guides dedicated to ethical and legal aspects of biomedical research or evaluation, as well as the requirements for the quality of scientific publications. How were the first recommendation, each member prepared a preliminary version of its recommendations, then based on them was developed by a single final document submitted for approval. At the same time discussed in detail the Committee's views on the structure of studies, the procedure for their approval of the ethics committees, data analysis, authorship, conflict of interest, reviewing, duplicating papers, plagiarism, responsibilities of editors, the relationship with the media, advertising, and measures for the prevention of unfair practices research and publish their results. As we see the future of these Recommendations These recommendations are not a dogma but a guide to action, they must be continually improved.

Financial Success

Today, one of the most important rules of success in the labor market, you can call the broad skills of candidates. Every person who wishes to acquire a real constant and considerable financial success, think about that have not a narrow specialty, and to explore other directions, perhaps even close to the main current work. And who would be able to say a few years ago that an ordinary accountant stops to bury themselves alive under mountains documents and all documents will not really alter dozens of times for the slightest mistake, but just re-print from the pc? At the moment courses 1C for an economist is not something special, and the norm specialized work. This is understandable, since the software content provides the opportunity several times to make a quicker response to duty's leading economist, respectively, to reduce the staff required for correct execution of accounting obligations. A reduction in the number of workers required to ensure business continuity of Accountants leads to a reduction in spending on the maintenance of administrative staff, to which moves each director. However, not only the accounting department can relate to the changes, but also any and all departments of production. Director must have a main corporate complex, but if with this he can still own the knowledge, for example, in electronic charts, the enterprises engaged in production and promotion, it will be possible to redirect the work of a full-fledged designer to a specific fulfillment of orders made, while the head will prepare together with the client preliminary sketch to take account of all, without exception, the desires of the consumer.

And yet, for this requires that the Director was familiar with computer design. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop this branch. In addition, these ancillary skills are able to provide not just a more substantial implementation of business functions, and including provide minor financial success. To the nuances of additional financial success. Need to ponder including the work in the area, which nowadays is the most popular and growing. This is the sphere of the global network. Also, basic web design courses will allow anyone who wishes to consider the underlying basis for the creation of web sites and is likely to make such an occupation is not even entertaining addition to the main office, but also directly – work. Select appropriate courses for today will not make difficulties. But it is important to remember that the main thing – it's own motivation. Cheap and of short duration courses will be given the opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals required the department, the practical application will contribute in general. You want to really feel their own workers' achievement? Then – time, learn!

Brazilian State

To speech in commitment in the pedagogia courses one is become involved confusions of questions that go of resume the questions practise and theoreticians. A complexity of facts that the pertaining to school institutions need a curricular reorganization that answers of forceful form that professors we want to form? that pupils these professors go to form. In this direction, he develops a necessity to register and to rethink these practical, searching the construction of new knowledge on the process of formation and of practical professor, as well as on the diverse occured changes in the process of formation and the performance of the professor. (…) any politics of reformularization of the Course of Pedagogia has that to consider this identity, that is directly on to the revolutionary perspective of prxis social. However, what we see is a certain dismounting of this course on the part of the Brazilian State, when of the implantation of the new lines of direction of Pedagogia? what it is lamentable, therefore, historically, this course has fulfilled an important paper in the formation of professors for the basic education and managers of the pertaining to school education. (PEAR TREE, 2010, p.8).

We live a time where the conscience of that the world passes for deep transformations is each stronger day. This reality provokes in many people and contradictory groups, feelings, sensations and desires, at the same time of unreliability and fear, potenciadores of apathy and conformismo as well as of newness and hope, mobilizadores of the best ones energies and creativity for the construction of a different, more human and solidary world. Globalization, multiculturalismo, after-modernity, questions of sort and race, new forms of communication, computerization, cultural manifestations of the adolescents and young, cultural and religious expressions of different social classrooms, movements, diverse forms of violence and social exclusion configure new and differentiated social scenes, cultural politicians and.

Wanderlei Codo

A professor said, in one of the interviews, is clearly: ' ' for me they are forty cabbages, forty heads that I eye in my front and am my pupils. They are forty cabbages. For me it does not make difference if it learned or it did not learn. It does not make difference if it has problem in house or if it does not have. I want to know that I have plus a lesson and that at the end of the year I go to have had more forty resultados.' ' You make a process to eliminate the pupil symbolically, to suffer little. Or you you symbolically eliminate. You start to detestar any meeting.

The best meetings are the ones that detesta you because they involve you, its participation, etc. you do not go There to the meeting or when she goes is drawing florzinhas e, currently, changing messages in cellular, writing the besteira one for amiguinho that it is there it are and receiving in return and etc. besteira Any thing, less to commit itself in the work. This calls low comprometimento in the work. In short, what it discloses the low comprometimento of the professors in the work? Wanderlei Codo – and what you have there? It is a composed triangle for emotional exhaustion, low comprometimento and desprofissionalizao. This trio calls burnout, that it today reaches thirty and five percent of the professors.

These suffer from a psychological suffering that if calls burnout and are composed for this tripod: emotional exhaustion, low comprometimento and desprofissionalizao …. Care, in first place burnout is not illness. Burnout is one psychological suffering. If you lost its mother and are sad, I you cannot say that you are a mental sick person. I am more easy to say that you are a mental sick person if you lost its mother and not to be sad.

Teaching Methods for Modern Life

ABOUT LOOK, IN THE NEW EDUCATION KEY Ernesto Partida Pedroza for Greeks 2500 years ago formed the basis of what is today Western civilization. How do you do? They had no Internet, no television, no radio, no newspapers or universities, or Encyclopedia, nothing of what we have today. So what do you do? They had something to us today but we do not have and something they did not have, but to us it is useless for us if we do not know to use. They were able to measure the circumference of the earth with a stick and the margin of error was remarkably small. What they were and that we do not have? It strikes me that when it comes to quality in education refers to the absence of adequate classrooms, on the outskirts of the classrooms, the lack of computers and other tools for teaching and because of the lack of quality . But the Greeks did not have any of that had yet quality education to the extent that their teachings are still studied today.

What the hell lies the education they were the Greeks? The first thing they taught to students is to look at themselves, look to others and look at the universe of them. Walking the streets looking at everything that happened and this was cause for reflection. In us are taught to look at what others have looked at, we do not develop our own capacity to look at whatever is within our grasp. Cultivate the sense that more is heard as it is the only one who use to everything the teacher tells us aside and let the other senses and with them we lose to feel the pleasure of watching our universe with all our senses. Throughout the history of humanity have created a multitude of teaching methods, but we have not spent imitating other instead of creating something that will serve us. We live in a privileged time in which there is all the information to make our children are geniuses, but we fear to suffer wrong to know so much and be rejected by the mediocre people. There are few who know how to use all the technology to create the welfare of the public against the many who use all the technology to exploit others. To the extent that we resist learning, to that extent we will be victims of those who misuse the technology for their own interests.

The new education must have as essential to learn to see everything around us. To the extent that we learn to look at all the problems, they will disappear. The problems persist simply because they do not see them completely. For now the plans and curricula of all educational institutions closely follow a system of domestication know where to look is not part of any program of study. Someone who completes a bachelor spent an average of 17 years of his life studying, more than enough time to get out of a university with the ability to look around your environment and create new realities. There is much talk of a budget for research, but if you teach all our children and students to watch, would not need additional budgets for research, with students who know how to look would be enough to create the foundations for the new civilization in Mexico.

The Matrix Reverse

Before we take up the study of language itself, should think carefully to what exactly you need it. If the language skills you need to understand rare words that you come across in the process, it is quite suitable simple dictionary, which will always be at hand when needed. If you need to learn to read at the middle school institution that is quite suitable secondary school curriculum. But if you decide to learn the language of freedom – requires a very advanced way of learning. One of the appropriate advanced methods – the method which the author called 'The Matrix Reverse linguistic resonance '. The developed technique allows to learn a foreign language for 12 months at the third or fourth year of high school, specializing in the study of foreign languages. Of course only when subject to daily activities and compliance with all recommendations of the author. With this design for hundreds of people around the world have mastered previously foreign to them the language.

Learning a foreign language on this technology is natural way. Process at first glance similar to the method, following which the children, not knowing the language of birth, even at preschool age is free to talk. Children it takes a few years, partly because the language – not the only thing you have to relearn the children. Adults can accelerate this process through self-discipline. Another major plus of this method – the opportunity to develop good pronunciation right from the start learning.

You've heard how some foreigners say with a terrible accent in Russian, while others it may seem almost indistinguishable from the speech of people for whom the Russian native language. And this can be easily achieved only at the initial stage of language learning! This method is made by man, who is professional in teaching foreign languages. He has long taught languages U.S. intelligence and Russia. Knows eight languages and undoubtedly enjoys immense prestige in the field of foreign language learning. Only you can teach yourself a foreign language, and no one else will do it for you! Go ahead and you will succeed!