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Evil Breath

The cause of this bad scent can be due to the presence of bacteria, that are able to survive if in the mouth exists an oxygen deficiency. Normally these bacteria usually are placed enters the back part of the language and the pharynx, and also between the teeth. These bacteria are necessary for the human organism so that we pruned to realise the digestion of effective form since they help in the process of decomposition of the proteins that we found in the food. The number of these bacteria usually varies of a person to the other. This number usually varies based on the hormonal system of the person, of the genetics of the person and some medecines even can influence in the presence of these bacteria. Scientific Literature confirms that to eliminate the evil breath brought about by these bacteria we must try that these bacteria stop producing volatile sulfuric compounds and also to turn these compounds into organic salts that do not bring about a disagreeable scent for the sense of smell of the human being.

In order to obtain that we must try that in our mouth it has the sufficient amount of oxygen Thanks to the recent advances of the technology now it is possible to measure of scientific form sulfurated volatile compounds of the mouth of the human being. Therefore it is possible to realise a pursuit of the treatment that is being carried out to eliminate the halitosis. Another recommendation that we must follow to secure a much more pleasant breath is to chew chewing-gum. Thus besides obtaining it much more encourages pleasant for the rest of people to chew chewing-gum is going to increase the production of saliva, which, as scientific studies indicate, the bacteria reduce and, therefore, the posiblidades to undergo halitosis.