Voices Against Globalization

Very interesting documents that has made the Spanish Television with respect to the reality of what has represented the globalization, its scope and impact in this world Earth where we live. Opinions regarding the transnational, multinational capitalism, neoliberalism, those who govern the world, are manifested in these documentaries to as accumulates capital, economic systems, democracy, education, technology, to name a few topics. It is true, that globalization can not be ignored and the consequences that this has caused in many countries, especially. For the less developed that continue to be exploited by those who open up its economy at the expense of the exploitation of these. Thanks to interests, especially those in power, economically, is observed, there is no democracy, given a slavery product of the powerful who manage the markets, no matter what this scrapyard sees and lives, as increasingly more multinational corporations, demonstrate new products, many unnecessary, which have given way to artificial requirements that guarantee the survival of the materialism of capitalist to a decisive social cost in economic security, quality of life of many countries that become dependent on the powerful. Specifically in voices against globalization: another world is possible and as stated in kaosenlared.net, consists of seven documentary chapters, each one an hour, fruit of discussions between the director and writer of the series, Carlos Estevez and 54 personalities coming from very different fields. In the first of these, entitled masters of the world, included testimonies from characters as the prize Nobel of literature Jose Saramago, the political scientist Sami Nair, Ignacio Ramonet, or singer Manu Chao, who spoke in relation to the way in which the model of globalization being carried out in the world. The dream of Sinbad, second chapter, discusses the new labor panorama in the world: relocations, major areas of world production (China and India), immigration, loss of society’s welfare in Europe, privatizations, the loss of labour rights, the victory of the speculative economy on the productive economy and neo-liberal economic policy.