Apart from the insulation based on mineral fibers, basalt, are insulators made of styrofoam. Responding to a question about how to choose a heater, and many simply forget about them. And it is in vain: Styrofoam is not only a eco-friendliness and ease, but also the highest among their peers insulating qualities. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam? So which to choose insulation – polystyrene or mineral wool? Correct answer – both. Here are just a choice they need to address well-defined tasks. Polystyrene boards and blocks are needed for those areas of work where there is no insulation on the load.
They are durable, but at long, constant exposure, even own weight may be somewhat distorted. A mineral wool can keep the form for years, even if have a permanent effect of gravity. True, this is true only for insulation of basalt fibers of high and medium density. Light mineral wool insulation required for thermal protection of the organization is slightly inclined and horizontal surfaces. A striking example – a heater Knauf – its subtle light Mats can also be stretched during the operation, completely isolating the sheltered surface. Thus, in order to know which to choose a heater, you just navigate to the density of the product each brand and have the information and material of the insulation is made: high-density insulation from Ursa Izomin or suitable for wall papers, an average of Rockwool – for heat and sound insulation inside the house, easy Parkas – for krovli.penopolistirol (Tehnopleks or Primapleks) is needed for thermal insulation of basements, where it will not affect the sun and the pressure. We are focused on the end result and not take the time out to help you pick up that material and ideal place for your building.