Tag: politics

Green Party

That’s the plan. As the Environment Minister and a few politicians represents people-pleasing, thats in his majority against the extension of the duration, the short term and the nuclear lobby in all parties, the longer maturities, and the resulting compromise adopted, is asked again to the discussion in 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 years. Anyone can understand curly this simple without that he studied psychology. So what is this apparent discussion, offered to us by the parties in the Parliament. It is only used by the high risks that are hidden in this technology, to distract. It is a game that works as follows. Which are against the extension, but compromise, will play at 5 years and since it is now ever happened, even 10 years ultimately accept, etc….

The hard liners under the opponents of nuclear power, are in a minority, because the weak in this group are converted, and if I am not totally mistaken, that happened already. Should it still won’t be going but surely so, because as we know, the Government has up to the final Decision given enough time. Bridging technology, horse-trading to a few cents and discussion of terms, are just plain bad psycho theater, the most on the glue will go. And of course, how should be different, a founder of the Green Party, later SPD, a Tribune of the people and popular man, Mr Otto Schyli and many others in this successful political Posse helps. The discussion that dringest would have to be conducted and what’s at stake also eventually sidelined stay. (Snippet) Just as life threatening experiments, such as the nuclear policy, must be stopped. Chernobyl was enough, that does not light up whom, which is no longer helping. The meltdown at a German nuclear power plant, or anywhere else in the world could make uninhabitable large parts of our country over time, including parts of the neighbors.