So far, still no details about the possible rates are known. A major concern of many people is to use the Internet quickly and securely. Speeds achieved today, are more than passable. Almost nationwide is also a good covered by UMTS network given. But now there seems here to be a changing of the guard in the near future.
The 4th generation of mobile telephony, the LTE, could appear on the German market already 2011. Long term evolution presented are the network providers all over the world as a promising technology. First field tests were conducted in the United States, East Asia and here in Europe in Scandinavia. This could under laboratory conditions”to achieve up to 300 Mbit / s data transfer rates. These can be naturally not in practical use. Is calculated at rates of 150-170 MB / s.
The cost for the LTE could move in the healthy part. This read the 4 major German operators (T-mobile, Vodafone, O2 and – Plus) also a sum of 4.4 billion to invest. So much achieved the frequency allocation by the Federal Network Agency. Because the existing UMTS network can be used, the LTE tariffs should bring pleasant surprises. The UMTS networks must be only modified and partially renewed. The central theme of the LTE is the mobility. This will bring many benefits for the user. So, not only the residents of remote regions will be the Profitteure. It is even possible that the speech is not only known devices such as telephone, the Internet to connect to PC or laptop, but also by digital cameras and game consoles. This makes possible the direct transmission of images and a mobile connection.