Tag: construction and repair

Thermostat Choices

In this case, to the aid of ultra-fine system. A grid of plastic fibers, which is woven a thin heating cable. Thickness – 5.3 mm. Designed for installation directly in a few thickened layer of glue for the tiles. Supplied in rolls, ready to eat. See Teplolux-mini. Thermostat – all head We are all line of thermostats for "warm floors", namely: Bedroom with floor sensor (series RT007), Sensor temperature (series RT007), programmable series (PRO), Built-in cabinets (for mounting on DIN-rail ) (RT007L and RT007S) a design for mounting under a dry plaster (RT007 Series and PRO)) and so on.

Which one to choose? First of all, the thermostat should perform its function, namely, to maintain the desired temperature in the room or the law it changes over time. In addition, he is obliged to comply by switching power system installed. It should be noted that according to modern standards of maximum allowable power household thermostats for "warm floors" is 3 kW, and is a lot, since about the same washing machine consumes. At first stop on what you should not do. For a "warm floor" should not choose a thermostat with a sensor temperature, since then his testimony can be distorted by a random draft, or convective flow of heated air from the other thermal devices.

It is not necessary to choose and a programmable thermostat, when it comes to bathroom or toilet – in fact power system installed there are usually not high (100-400 W), and need the premises may, at any time of day. Perhaps even you should not use the so-called "electro" thermostat, despite its very low in comparison with the electronic value. Inside, there is only a bimetal sensing element, the accuracy of such a device is small, and negate the effect of "warm floor" when the wrong choice of installation location he could easily. The biggest demand is for indoor electronic thermostats with floor sensor (series RT007). They are very easy to use (which is important if they are used by people older), reliable and relatively inexpensive. When the device of large systems or multiple medium-sized (total installed capacity of more than 3 kW), it makes sense to think about installing a programmable thermostat or timer series (PRO). Indeed, in this case correctly selected program corresponding to the regime of the premises (for example, bedrooms in a city apartment or room country house), would recoup the cost of the device for 2-4 months. When the device core of complex systems heating with the zoning use of programmable devices is highly desirable from the standpoint of economy, operating costs, and for the convenience and efficiency of temperature control. After all, would not the sensible owner run to 20 rooms of a large country house, in order to reduce their temperature at the time of departure.

Timber Construction

Today, the townspeople want to purchase private housing, ie, Wish House. This particular house may be located as close outside the city, and in the city. Naturally, all the advantages of individual housing and you name it – this No neighbors, and private land, and independence. But, having decided the construction site, there is a lot of questions and the main one – is the material from which to build? In this small article I would like to talk about the construction of wood, wood construction. Construction of houses and buildings made of wood has a number of positives.

Initially, it is environmentally friendly and natural material, which gives us a very natural environment. Cold winter wood excellent keep warm, and hot summers save coolness and freshness. Then, the wood – it tasted more than one century material from which our ancestors built their homes, and advanced technology achievements provide opportunity to radically improve its quality: great strength, durability and soundproofing. Installation and erection of such buildings is very easy and simple, yet easy-to-wood processing. Log houses from glued beams will serve you for a long time, without providing unnecessary worries for operation and maintenance.

Deciding to build such a house, you need quite responsibly and thoroughly treat the problem of selection of building an organization that vsilah implement your project. Nowadays market is full of such proposals, but must choose only proven company. Pay attention to work experience and have already implemented projects, look recommendations of former clients (often this is easily done in the network building resources, etc.). Often a serious organization, individually suited to any customer, and plan a unique project, and not sell you template option. Such organizations may carry out the work of any complexity and build whatever you want: a house or a hand-bath cabin for example. The main and often become a critical aspect of the project cost, in this not really worth very greedy for money, because housing is planned for the year ahead, but also to give extra is needed. For example, the organization vipdom known with a good hand in the construction of houses and buildings.

Guardian On Board

In the office, a new type of possible permanent changes associated with the number of jobs, placement officers and other moments. Meanwhile, the conventional circuit layout is very "passive", it takes a long time to make changes. As a result, owners of offices sometimes have to refuse to their plans. An alternative to conventional cable infrastructure is a concept band wiring, for example, embodied in the Connected Building Solutions. Band architecture used in this case, simplifies wiring and provides ordering of the cables due to the introduction of consolidation points, each of which has a limited service area. In simple terms, all the space is divided into several sections: a necessary link in one of such sites are replaced or upgraded and re-incorporated into the overall system.

A more pragmatic use of office space not only promotes the introduction of new concepts, but also use modern power equipment. So typical of "framing" are uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). In the case of a power failure it is this device will have time to save to your computer all the information, as well as continue to operate even when power is off. For a long time prevented the use ups, including, and awkwardness of such facilities. Currently, manufacturers began to be given to the size of the ups more attention: the result was a model with a narrow hull that can be delivered, for example, along the rack table. And the Israeli firm Guardian On Board generally released the built-in ups, installed directly into the body computer equipment.

Working with the mind In the end, the most promising option of working space is a transition to a smart office. " In this case, the use of modern engineering systems not only streamlines management of all processes (air-conditioning, lighting, etc.), but also positively affect the "square meters". For example, large prospects have wireless technology. The absence of wires and, consequently, bound to any particular place will look completely different on the interior. The joy of possible prospects overshadowed until recently by only one fact: the more "intelligent" office becomes, the more equipment to be used. So, once again raises the question of economy of office space. In many respects, revolutionary way to solve this situation suggested that the global it corporation Sun Microsystems, has developed a conceptual idea for called Blackbox. Its essence is to use a standard metal container used in marine, rail and road transport as a receptacle for the office of required engineering equipment. Sun engineers managed to put together as a system of energy supply and air-conditioning, cable management, controls and installation of equipment racks that to complete the work center data service personnel need only attach the container through special connectors on the case to the sources of electricity and the external telecommunications network. A similar approach is proposed to use yet only very large companies, such as it industry, with enormous "arrays" of equipment. However, such a "boxed" version eventually may find wider application. As the well-known wisdom, optimist glass of water is visible is half full, and pessimist – half empty. And engineering systems: some are limited, and who will provide space for imagination. Taking advantage of modern technology, using different design moves, even in a small area can create a comfortable space where communication would not interfere, but another way of saving much needed office meters.