Tag: administration and businesses

Multiple Pasture

It is observed, therefore, that, although the bovine flock not to have grown significantly in the number of heads, occurred productive performance better and increase in the tax of enjoys. How much to the systems of adopted production, the use of the natural Nelore race predominates with sum. adoption of station of sum still is sufficiently incipient. Currently, in savannah environment, the extensive creation with use of native pasture predominates and only mineral suplementao. The natality tax is inferior 60% with weans of the year-old calves occurring to the 12 15 160 months when they reach kg of alive weight. In general, in this situation the year-old calves are vendidos for creators who carry through the recria and fattening in pasture cultivated in forest area. A minority of creators of the savannah areas uses the native pasture, but they possess grass cultivated for strategical use with some animal categories.

In this situation, the cows in gestation remain in native pasture receiving, at the time dry, suplementao with multiple mixture contend NNP. By occasion of the pario the cows in lactation are taken for pasture of Brachiaria (humidicola B. or B. decumbens) and receive suplementao with multiple mixture. The year-old calves have access to the multiple mixture with 20% of rude protein, in cocho private (creep feeding), installed to the side of the cochos for suplementao of the cows. In such a way it is possible to wean year-old calves with seven the eight months and 160 the 170 kg of alive weight. For occasion of it weans, the recria animals are taken for pasture of andropogon (Andropogon gayanaus) with estilosantes or massai (Panicum maximum) with estilosantes and has access the multiple mixture with 25% of PB, whose mineral salt possesss protein and energy, chromium source.

Organizacional Development

The Importance of the Human Capital for the Organizations. Administration always was present since the sprouting of the society, however she had its bigger focus with the advent of the Industrial Revolution in England between 1840 and 1873, where she had a great economic growth. In this period, which had to the agricultural exodus, the peasants if on account submitted the irrisrios wages of the professional disqualification. From the work of Frederick Winslow Taylor the school appeared of the scientific administration, who had as main objective to increase the productivity of the plants, and to develop the qualification of the laborers through the study of times and movements. But, with the Theory of the Relations Human beings it was changed conception of administration, who started to emphasize the human being as basic part of the organizacional process.

With this, some theories had appeared inside, objectifying the motivation and the accomplishment of the man of the companies. However, the vision in relation to the collaborator still was very pessimistic, therefore it not yet was seen as partner in the taking of decisions, not being explored its potentialities. Only with the Organizacional Development (OF), the technological advance and the globalization, the companies had started to have a holistic vision and had perceived the great value of the human capital; therefore the man is a pensante being capable to contribute with ideas that help in the growth of the company. From then on the Participativa Management appeared that brought the collaborators to be part of the elaboration of the strategical planning, tactical and operational of the organizations. Inside of the competitiveness of the market, it is that the importance of the participation of the internal customers was perceived, for the development of the companies.

Ecological Selectivity

Three yellow adhesive traps had been installed (double Biocontrole face of 25 cm X 9,5 cm) in each one of the genotypes: Supreme ruby (red), Red IAC-4, Rich, Paluma UNESP (red), Saito (red), Supreme and Kioshi 3 (red) totalizing 21 traps, in the period of June of 2009 to the June of 2010. These had been located about two meters of the ground, in the shade, the south quadrant of the pantry of the goiabeira and had been changed each 15 days continuously. Each removed trap of the field was conditioned in a lead folder of plastic and to the Laboratory of Ecological Selectivity of the Department of Fitossanidade, where the evaluations had been made. The insects had been identified and registered for specimen captured in fiches of laboratory for date of sampling. The meteorological data had been supplied by the Rank Meteorological of the Experimental Farm of the APT Pindorama-SP, located about 800 meters of the place of the experiment. With the gotten data the linear correlations between Scymnus and the meteorological factors had been calculated simple: minimum, average and maximum temperature (centigrade degrees) and pluviomtrica precipitation (mm). RESULTS AND QUARREL In the complex of collected natural enemy arthropods in the traps during the accomplishment of the experiment, had been distinguished specimens of Scymnus spp., Azia luteipes, Formicidae, Polibia spp., Aracnidae, sanguineous Cycloneda and Chysopidae. Quantitatively, Scymnus spp was the specimen collected in bigger number. Parajulle & Slosser (2003), that they had carried through an experiment with cotton in the state of the Texas, to monitor natural plagues and enemies, had also observed that the specimens most joined had been Scymnus spp. In the one In the conditions of the State of So Paulo, Pazini (2005), with intention to compare diverse strategies of integrated handling of plagues of the goiabeira, based in the tactics of population monitoramento and in the selectivity of insecticides, also it observed that Scymnus spp.