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Division Page

Free, open, slender and internationally – developed in the Westphalian Haan a rapidly growing image Portal teaches the big fear Internet sites that offer the user a small digital space for your own pictures, there are many: experience has shown that such offers have the one or the other hook, are either temporary or limited in terms of screen size, or advertising financed (or both), hoard image mountains without structure or are run over so, that real pearls will simply perish. Leidensgepruft want to make it better two Haaner with by numerous own experiences with the common image portals. You are looking for party photos and nude pics here: as a free alternative to commercial and anonymous portals an open community to the photographic collection of the world are welcome in the images from any location in any country and at any time is hidden behind the name instead. Looking for meaningful evaluation criteria they have the two school friends appropriately in the first place for a geographical Division decided, meaning that each photo in the upload a country and there a city, a landscape or a point of interest associated with must. New places can be, created conveniently immediately in the upload dialog box by the user with card segments providing assistance in the geographical map.

In addition to the unique geographic mapping to a spot is to associate each image also prescribed categories and should be marked with the month and year of induction. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mitchel Resnick. Along with the title of a photo and the description text results in a complex database that can be searched by virtually any criteria. Target page is not to collect simple masses of photos, but visually by a meaningful framework to capture locations. The reasons are manifold: unless some to warn of the disastrous conditions of a resort or whether to bring the one or other insider tip in the environment or even our own line the neighbors in the village. All too often it happens that brochures, catalogs and Glossy magazines raise expectations without meeting them. Not rarely advertised positions as nepp overloaded tourist traps turn out to be ‘homely Geheimtipp’ and ‘quiet Hotels’ or ‘romantic Cafes’ turn out to be Flash and clogged line clearance.

On the other hand, people know the sites that get an original flair on site and the regulars. Places, where the magic of a country or region could survive, and that actually are worth the visit. By the date of recording an image, it is also possible to document locations in their development to visualize for example the progress in construction or the change in styles. Because not all museums, shops and monuments need the investment more valuable – because limited – earn vacation time, the communication of knowledge is a valuable service. Photographers will also receive a reliable feedback to their images with the ability to comment on uploads, to discuss and to evaluate with points. Because the pages have been programmed lean and functional and come out without unnecessary gadgets, they are quick to build and allow rapid access to all essential elements thanks to a well thought out menu. “The joy of MyGreatWorld.com will depend clearly the participation and commitment of the participants and visitors”, explains Thorsten Scherff the MyGreat GBR, which is responsible for the technical implementation” We make available only the platform with the Web page, the page is filled with life only everywhere through the images by users all over the world.