Educational College Student

When the town is so numerous, What can become in their good? To make it rich and happy. And when he is rich What can more become by him? To educate it. Kung FuTse, Confucius Introduction the national universities, is public and private, for the Venezuelan case that he concerns to us, they confront as we know, serious problems, consequence of several factors have affected that it, and that it requires of solutions immediately in order that these fulfill their mission, responsibility, social, commitment by which was created. We know, that the fact of to have given a new government and who is under the direction of the lieutenant colonel Cold Hugo Chavez, a government revolutionary, who has seted out in which he takes to be able, to institute what is denominated Socialism of the 21st century, fact that it has affected the Universities seriously, especially the public ones, that confront in the financial present serious problems for their operation, that guarantees what it is required, like it is academic excellence, that unfortunately the State has not considered it seriously it has not determined that it represents, concretely, the required attention has not lent him and it has given to step in the last years, especially in the present one, to constant unemployments, protests, manifestations that do not favor for anything a government whom it tries to reelect itself mainly and, so that the universities functions optimally, according to the needs that the country demands, that must solve, solve, to guarantee and to collaborate in the development of this. To it is added, that before this crisis in addition, the universities in himself they need to reevaluar its operativity in all aspects, between it its teaching, to its educational ones, subject in that we were located. Majorities considerations Are necessary, urgent, that the university authorities, worry to define the profile of the educational one that the present requires, that takes it counts many aspects that entail to that a proactive one arises educational, creative, innovating, motivating, investigating, a true facilitator, that of passage to that their knowledge involve all the aspects that the present demand, from, the advances of sciences, the disciplines in which is it jeopardize, of the needs of the surroundings where they operate, and the contributions, repercussions of development of the technology of the communication, the reach and repercussions of the programs of government, more proactive being in its public participation, expressing its opinions, commentaries that are discussed, dialogue opening, commitment, responsibility, to generate changes, transformations, knowledge to face the challenges, to make merit its rights. Read more here: Abigail Black Elbaum.