A professor said, in one of the interviews, is clearly: ' ' for me they are forty cabbages, forty heads that I eye in my front and am my pupils. They are forty cabbages. For me it does not make difference if it learned or it did not learn. It does not make difference if it has problem in house or if it does not have. I want to know that I have plus a lesson and that at the end of the year I go to have had more forty resultados.' ' You make a process to eliminate the pupil symbolically, to suffer little. Or you you symbolically eliminate. You start to detestar any meeting.
The best meetings are the ones that detesta you because they involve you, its participation, etc. you do not go There to the meeting or when she goes is drawing florzinhas e, currently, changing messages in cellular, writing the besteira one for amiguinho that it is there it are and receiving in return and etc. besteira Any thing, less to commit itself in the work. This calls low comprometimento in the work. In short, what it discloses the low comprometimento of the professors in the work? Wanderlei Codo – and what you have there? It is a composed triangle for emotional exhaustion, low comprometimento and desprofissionalizao. This trio calls burnout, that it today reaches thirty and five percent of the professors.
These suffer from a psychological suffering that if calls burnout and are composed for this tripod: emotional exhaustion, low comprometimento and desprofissionalizao …. Care, in first place burnout is not illness. Burnout is one psychological suffering. If you lost its mother and are sad, I you cannot say that you are a mental sick person. I am more easy to say that you are a mental sick person if you lost its mother and not to be sad.