Month: March 2017

A New Approach To Technology Education

A NEW APPROACH TO TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION IN MEXICO. SUBJECT: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY PARTICIPANTS: Guadalupe Herrera Milagros Fonseca Reyes Olga Stein are many conflicts and events that led to the implementation of neoliberal programs in Latin America. This new approach to education, also brings a different way of dealing with content and support that are used to achieve the expected learning. Here we can mention the Information and Communication Technologies that are fashionable as it is motivating to the learners. To place ourselves in our context, education in Mexico for some time has tried to reach for most scientific and technological advances, we can mention the beginning of this program when the pilot schools were equipped with the first phase of Enciclomedia, which is a computational tool designed to stimulate the process of teaching and learning of primary school teachers regarding the curriculum contained in the books free text of the Ministry of Basic Education in Mexico.

The system supports various kinds of resources to support the teacher teach when resources to support different learning styles. Time after seeing the positive results obtained with the use of this tool was improved and is the program that is in most schools. But simultaneously with the State administration, created another program that used the technology and that competed directly with Encyclopedia, this program was the Media Classroom, which is an open space to the school community, which aims to strengthen the teaching-learning process, by incorporating the technological tool and information through the same can be obtained. The media classroom consists of computer equipment connected to the Internet, television equipment and satellite station, which receives the signal EDUSAT, CD’s and videos diverse educational and printed material related to the use of technology in the classroom. Unfortunately the political conflict of having a school with two programs, maintenance caused difficulty because at first the two programs were consistent service, but once time passed both the Federal government, as the State forgot to send technicians who maintained the equipment in good working order. Currently there are other companies that are offering in the envelope of technology to developing students with low achievement or great, we can mention the international giant Microsoft, is also equally important to Telmex. With this support for students, teachers and educational institutions, we believe that we will not so far behind in knowledge and use of ICT’s

Internet Resources

There are many ways to promote a project. There are methods of promotion are black, and are white. It is worth a closer look at the illegal (black) website promotion. Black methods of promotion are simply created for the web studios mushrooming projects polluting the Internet, confusing the user inadvertently caught in them. Using these methods of promotion to no good will not.

Indeed, such works are not honest webmasters will move very quickly, but not for long. After a short time such online resources are likely to be banned by search engines. For black methods of promotion and advancement of sites include: 1) Use Doorway – pages, redirect the user to another more frequented resource. Search engine spiders to index the page and are redirected to another location, and the page is rated as popular. After the page will be indexed, webmasters will replace the doorway to a normal page, but search engines often detect such fraud and penalize the site owner.

2) Cloaking – the mask. A more advanced and sophisticated the previous method. Changes identified by the ip-address of buyers and the search engine robots. Users are brought to the site, easily readable and well executed, very comfortable. And robots – on page score keywords. However, this method is very complicated, its creator must have the highest skills of programming and optimizing pages. 3) Use a clear text that is not by users, but notice the robots. Also used transparent image. All this leads, ultimately, to the ban. 4) The use of so-called link spam. This is when the link exchange occurs between the resources mismatched subjects. Is there any desire from the user not interesting to visit his site? 5) Create a site specifically for robots, stuffed with keywords. When such a site will rise to the top, its contents are changed so that the user was interested in him attend. A need is Internet sites, stuffed with keys, unreadable, do not carry in itself useful information. 6) Website of the satellite (assistants, companions), promoting a primary site. Satellites also are not useful information, they just clutter the Internet. This is the most basic ways of promotion of black sites. But there are many more. It is important to understand that these methods except the inconvenience to do anything more can not. Internet sites have to scrape by, created exclusively for the promotion. And most importantly – never do it yourself!

New EnergyEfficient Technologies

Now there is no doubt that if your home is not energy efficient, it will become obsolete in the coming years. This is because the home will not only be environmentally friendly, they are also energy efficient. Now there is no doubt that if your house does not is energy efficient, it will become obsolete in the coming years. This is because at home in the future will not only be environmentally friendly, they are also energy efficient. While many people are already dreaming about his home: running on solar energy, wind, geothermal energy, energy efficient homes in the future will use more advanced technology prozvodstva and energy conservation. Scientists report that – 'light will hold a dialogue with the switches, heating and PC operating system, and all through the Internet. " Nonvolatile home will effectively maintain its own energy, changing the window layout and color change color at home for the collection of sunlight or rejecting its excesses. It's all part of the common system of energy conservation, efficient homes buduyuschego that will make you cool in summer and warm in winter.

Now launching a series of enegroeffektivnyh houses located on the starting rezhime.Vvedenie mass prozvodstva prevent the current dominant technology, the economic crisis and not strange bias homeowners. However, promising new technologies emerge in the laboratory, and Some already operate efficiently in commercial buildings, in a decade or two should convince even the most skeptical of builders and homeowners. Intensive research is focused now on smart windows. Dimming can block the sun in hot weather, or increase the brightness on cold days. Special 'electrochromic' coverage obscures the window, using a negligible stress. Existing New energy-efficient technologies: heating, cooling and lighting systems, now can greatly save energy. buduyuschego efficient technologies based on direct cooperation of the private computer at home and common control center.

In Canada, already operates similar to a gated development. Each structure includes a glazed section of the wall facing the sun. Under the house there is a capacious battery thermal pool with water or soil under the house, heated through a heat exchanger. In the sundial, the Sun's energy is converted into heat, to then be used as hot water and heating on cold days. The main heat insulation can used straw. This is good old-new heater. Straw – a stem of cereals. Is a tubular structure of 20-40 cm plugged from both sides. This is the ideal thermal cell. Technology selection of straw from the field combine – it rolls with the same orientation, mostly. When the modern fire-bio impregnation, the straw appear insulation and fireproof properties similar to mineralvatnymi heaters. Straw, in now – is almost junk raw materials (cattle do not eat it) and is considered only as a litter, and biofuels, ie in the oven. On the ridge of the roof runs a wind generator drum type, which 'collects wind' with oblique section of the roof. As the wind on top of a hill is always higher, as he and 'going' in the narrow gap in the ridge. Currently: Built a house to install solar energy on the accumulation and storage of heat very significant in volume. Trial operation of wind turbines.

Architect Materials

Modern door – it's modern materials. Wood – the dried and processed by the new technologies, new materials and their tree-like combination in the construction of doors. The wooden doors are used as external and internal as for residential and public buildings. But if, as internal, interior (living room), they surely continue to keep the first place of use, when used as external, at present, they become serious competitors. These are steel doors. Only the modern steel doors, with a wide range of options for outdoor design, can provide the required safety facilities. They can fully simulate the wooden doors, having the same division of the canvas, panels, and embossed wood texture.

Glass doors expand the palette Architect capacity to organize the entrance to public building and interior space. Doors can be combined, made using different materials, which increases the possibility of making them with the necessary technical specifications and external forms. Depending on the number of canvases, the doors can be: odnopolnye doors, double doors, doors sesquioxides (with two blades of unequal width). Doors three-and chetyrehpolnye used very rarely. The number of paintings door dictates, as a rule, the width of the opening in the septum or wall. Opening width depends on the functional purpose of the premises and fire requirements.

All double doors, except Shaking require additional locking elements – door latches. Latches are typically installed in one of two valves Double Door, or narrow leaf polutorapolnoy door. Valve, fixed top and bottom latches, becomes a part of a door frame, while it at any time can be freed and open, expanding, thus the doorway. By filling in the door leaf can be: glazed doors; blind door. Balcony doors and windows made of wood always make glazed, energy efficient. Interior doors are also often glazed, for example, to illuminate the second light auxiliary facilities. With the same purpose, transom over the door satisfied. Glass or glazing can be transparent, opaque or embossed with a pattern of different colors, with stained glass. The form of glazing can be very different, as the traditional: rectangular, arched and circular or even triangular. For rassteklovki doors used a baguette. By functionality doors are: the doors for residential buildings, doors to public buildings, and special door. In Depending on the functional purpose of the room to the door subject to various technical requirements. In this constructive meaning to the door should not be in conflict with their appearance, which should comply with the general idea of the interior or the facade. Special Purpose Doors are classified as: – fireproof door – saving door – high sound insulation door – '; protective'; (resistant, bullet-proof, burglar) doors – water resistant door – the other doors (for example, protect against X-rays). Through the use of new materials and technologies, the doors are no longer just a universal element for communication facilities. They imposed stricter requirements on technical characteristics, and each room, depending on their destination, must be fitted with appropriate door. Today it is real, as modern technology gives us that opportunity.

Time Management

Perhaps, for you people who are not accustomed to let it drift and not able to appreciate his time, the main plus access control and time management is that if the local network, Internet or any other, combine your multiple offices – you can control the movement of staff without leaving home. The corresponding program at home, connected via the Internet to set in the offices of the system, access control and accounting, first, allow real-time monitor compliance staff work schedules. Looking at monitor at home, you will be able to record the time of arrival (departure) to work each and every employee in any of your offices, compliance with subordinates time allocated for recess, etc. With the installation of the system is automatically deactivated the problem of finding a particular person in the organization. Now you do not have to touch phones each of the offices, searching for an employee.

Sitting at home behind a computer screen – you can easily track the latest premises, which included a staff member, say, or select any department in the office to see who is at the moment there .Krome, in case of failure constant presence in front of a home computer, you can easily, at a convenient time for you to receive reports about the movements of people within your organization and draw appropriate conclusions. Access control and time tracking allows you to collect reports of the following Type: reports nedarbotkah or processing of any of the employees for the period of interest, information about the tardiness and absenteeism, as well as reports based on any designated criteria you search for information in the system. Thus, the system access control and time management are directly connected to your home, not only solves the problem of lack of time, but allows you to monitor and efficiently manage the activities of your employees. And who said that only at home can watch their offices? Interent is almost anywhere in the world..