The first week of my arrival, reported me that I would post one of the analysts, who had already announced his resignation and remained two weeks of work with the company to which. It was then, when this person I instructed to take their place, and that’s how I started to be analyst claims. But there was equipment effectiveness at the time of my arrival? For there is the effectiveness of the team need that:-your computer may have a common goal. -There is cohesion, i.e. a perception of belonging to the project and/or company. -Follow the rules and procedures, and they are well stipulated. -Delegated functions, and allow the participation of all members of the team. -Have a good leadership according to size team.
What was the goal of the team of the insurer? Mainly, that the customer was satisfied with the service, that attention was quick, friendly and helpful, and that there is an effective solution to their problems. Another of the goals of the company, was lowering the number of pending records without resolution of previous years, so that they do not promote more overdue debts and payments. Similarly, stipulated rules existed in the company, but then what was it? The answer was the group cohesion. And what was this? Rotation of staff. At the time of my new position as an analyst, the bachelor who had been as Manager, had already resigned. Ophelia, an Administrative Assistant, later supplanted this person. I.e. that the team of analysts, was formed by two completely new elements and one that already had many years and with much experience. However, the problem arose because of the doubts that had both in the procedures of the company, which did us any induction or training, and the third analyst, that solved us many doubts, generally stood with the same workload and had no time to resolve them.