The beginning of this secret is perseverance, which has a positive mind will continue to insist even when faced with many setbacks, until you achieve your goal. And returning to the concept of the competitive mind, will it happen everytime you go to an interview and it is rejected, the next time you go to a call from work it will fall more despondent. Here then is when I say modestly: need to change the attitude. And from this time is that I’m going to give the opposite example, i.e. Act with creative mind imagine for a moment that God or the universe lets people get their job if they meet a magic rule. And that magic rule is that a person before getting his job must pass over the span of a month by 50 interviews. What happens contrary to which acts with the competitive mind? When this person is rejected on, your trust and faith in getting the job will increase proportionally to the number of times in that it has been rejected. Because that person will know that that magic rule, how much It is closest to the number 50, more faster will get the job.
Do you understand the concept? I gave a hypothetical example of this magic rule, which for some may be 50, for another 100 and someone else only 5. But the issue is to understand that they must take this change in attitude, to learn to deal with what at first seems as an adversity in order to not take it as something negative, but only as a step that brings us ever closer to our goal. That is, if we tell us: you should do this in this way and will invariably get what they want; Surely one would apply this procedure no matter the stumbles, because at the end of that road, the Treasury would be expecting us with total certainty.