
What can we see through telescopes of different diameters: 60-70 mm refractor, reflector 70-80 mm.Dvoynye star with separation greater than 2 '- Albireo, Mizar, and so on. Fainter stars up to 11,5 m.Pyatna on the Sun ( only with the aperture filter). Venery.Na Moon Phases craters of a diameter of 8 km.Polyarnye caps and sea on Mars, during the Great protivostoyaniya.Poyasa on Jupiter, and under ideal conditions, the Great Red Spot (GRS), four satellites Yupitera.Koltsa Saturn, the Cassini gap at different conditions appeared pink zone on the disk Saturna.Uran and Neptune as zvezd.Krupnye ball (eg M13) and scattered skopleniya.Pochti all objects Messier catalog with no details in nih.Refraktor 80-90 mm, 100-120 mm reflector, catadioptric 90 – 125 mm. Double star with separation of 1.5 'and more faint stars up to 12 eV. velichiny.Strukturu sunspots, granulation and flaring of the field (only with the aperture filter). Merkuriya.Lunnye Phase sized crater about 5 km.Polyarnye caps and sea Mars during protivostoyaniy.Neskolko extra belts on Jupiter and the GRS. The shadows of the moons of Jupiter on the disk planety.Schel Cassini in Saturn's rings and 4-5 sputnikov.Uran and Neptune in the form of small discs with no details on nih.Desyatki globular clusters, the bright globular clusters will disintegrate into stardust on krayam.Desyatki planetary and diffuse nebulae, and all directory objects Messe.Yarchayshie objects from the catalog of NGC (for the brightest and most large objects possible to distinguish some of the details, but the galaxy in the majority remain hazy spots without details).

Refractor 100-130 mm, reflector or catadioptric 130-150 mm double star with separation of 1 'and more faint stars up to 13 eV. velichiny.Detali lunar mountains and craters the size of 4.3 km.Mozhno try with a blue filter to consider the spot in the clouds at Venere.Mnogochislennye details on Mars during . in the belts on the belt Yupitera.Oblachnye Saturne.Mnozhestvo weak asteroids and komet.Sotni star clusters, nebulae and galaxies (from the brightest galaxies can be seen traces of spiral structure (M33, M51)). A large number of directory objects NGC (many objects You can see the interesting details). Refractor 150-180 mm, reflector or catadioptric 175-200 mm double star with separation of less than 1 ', faint stars up to 14 eV. velichiny.Lunnye formation of 2 km.Oblaka and dust storms on Marse.6-7 Saturn's moons, we can try to see the drive Titana.Spitsy in Saturn's rings at the maximum of their raskrytii.Galileevy satellites as small diskov.Detalnost images with such apertures is determined not capabilities of optics and state atmosfery.Nekotorye globular clusters are resolved at the stars, almost to the tsentra.Vidny details of the structure of many nebulae and galaxies when observed from the city zasvetki.Refraktor 200 mm or more, a reflector or catadioptric 250 mm bolee.Dvoynye star with the division to 0,5 ', under ideal conditions, the stars up to 15 eV. magnitude and slabee.Lunnye education of less than 1.5 km.Nebolshie clouds and smaller structures on Mars, rare cases – Phobos and Deymos.Bolshoe amount of detail in an atmosphere Yupitera.Delenie Encke in the rings of Saturn, Neptune disk Titana.Sputnik Triton.Pluton as a weak zvezdochki.Predelnaya detail images determined by the state atmosfery.Tysyachi galaxies, star clusters and tumannostey.Prakticheski all directory objects NGC, many of which show details invisible in smaller telescopes razmerov.U most striking nebulae observed subtle tsveta.Vybrat and buy a telescope you can on our site sky and successful observations!