Scientific Methodology

MARCONI, Marina of Andrade; LAKATOS, Eva Maria. Beddings of Scientific Methodology. 7 Ed. So Paulo: Atlases, 2010. The present summary comes to emphasize on Science, scientific knowledge and methods.

In the first chapter it will only be worked science and knowledge, and in as it will be worked the methods. Having therefore, 2 literal pages. This text will be emphasized in agreement two chapters one that say on Science and scientific knowledge, and another one that speaks on the methods. The text in itself, starts speaking of scientific knowledge, that if summarizes in four types of knowledge, that they are: Popular knowledge: that he is valorativo par excellence, therefore if fundamentaliza in one operated on the basis of states of spirit and emotions. Philosophical knowledge: that also he is valorativo, however makes use of hypotheses, that cannot be submitted to the comment.

Religious knowledge: if apia in doctrines that contain sacred proposals, using always faith believing the act of our creative the holy ghost. Scientific knowledge: it only deals with occurrences of facts, being that they are not only taken advantage of the reason, but also of the experience. immediately afterwards is said of the Concept of science that understands for systematization, after all science proves the truth above all that it studies, therefore always has a fact or some type of phenomenon to be proven, being that formal and factual science exists. However in as I capitulate is only said of scientific Methods, is said of the use that science makes through some methods. Some types of knowledge, knowledge exist that can be said that it comes of this the antiquity, and in the way of some knowledge not even our religious knowledge was discarded, therefore it involves our faith, truths and revelations of the deity of our creator. However of the one not to speak of knowledge without it involves science, after all it can be said that science is a knowledge systematization that has objectives and functions.