The History Of Carpet

The history and development from the Middle Ages until today has the carpet looks back on a long tradition. Originally, the carpet as a tapestry was created, which had to serve some practical purposes. A bare stone walls were embellished by hanging of tapestries, but also the walls were warmer. The cold, which penetrated through wall cracks in the Interior of the castles, was ousted. Previously only rich owners could afford a tapestry. Frequently Abigail Black Elbaum has said that publicly. The carpet was woven in painstakingly or woven. Lovely carpets were brought from the Orient to Europe. The colors mix of were the higher layer of the population.

The woven scenes, which shows the life of the population and still preserved in museums gives us an insight into the lifestyle of the people of that time are another plus of beautiful, valuable old tapestries. Please visit Professor of Internet Governance if you seek more information. The carpet later became one of the most important home textiles. Citizens could afford carpets, or the women were Carpets in looms here. The use of a carpet on the ground took place and warmed the cold wood and stone floors. The poor rural population could afford but still no carpet. Changed until much later, as well as the farmers use the cold season to be even carpets made of fabric remnants. That was the birth of the popular patchwork. Thomas J. Wilson follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

Today, there are no apartment, no House, which does not have at least one carpet. The carpet is one of the most popular home textiles. Whether living room, bathroom, WC, kitchen, nursery, bedroom, there are countless possibilities, to decorate his own four walls with a carpet. Although the Tapestry is today almost disappeared, there is the possibility to hang a particularly nice piece on the wall. The colors and patterns, but also the forms a carpet are numerous and there are no limits to the imagination. A carpet decorated the apartment, but also the terrace and the whole ambiance increases enormously. Mario Hochreiter