Who already read the Shakespeare workmanship the Megera Domada? Nor it needs. You can have fun yourself with the brazen plagiarisms that already had been shown in the open canals of television as, for example, the North American film ' ' Ten things that I hate in voc' ' , or the novel ' ' global' ' ' ' The Cravo and the Rosa' '. Both the productions kill, more or less, faithful the essence of what it wanted to transmit, Shakespeare in its workmanship, that according to some historians could also be a plagiarism. ' ' The tram, relatively simple, would have been collected for Shakespeare of old stories of the tradition oral' ' *. It was custom of it to catch popular histories, or other known authors less, ' ' adapt-las' ' ' ' assin-las' ' , by Shakespeare, but this does not come to the case. In this Shakespeare workmanship it speaks of a maiden, Bianca, that it intends to be married, but for being the son youngest of the family, its father, it imposes as condition for its desposamento, first, the marriage of its older son, Catariana, ' ' the Megera' '.
Catariana, however if it imposes the will of the father. It does not want to be married, therefore she does not want to live under guardianship of a man. In this instant Petrucchio, a insolvent nobleman appears the search of a good marriage, that accepted the challenge of ' ' amansar' ' (to domar) fera e, then, to be married it. In the end, after submitting Catherine the series of disfaradas humilhaes it obtains what he intended. Tames it he transforms and it into a better wife who its sister, Bianca. As he can be noticed in this small synopsis. Catherine intends to be a woman not submissa to the current social standards of its time.