The creation of multimedia as the Wordreference and the lexilogos programs, has been shown to translators as one of the best ways to eliminate and solve problems of translation, because these even though they are not simultaneous translators placed within reach of the hand an endless advice and tips of nature language that not only allow the translator to do its work well, but which in turn contributes to instruct this same. However when we talk about programs is indicated highlight some others such as the Termiun, HyCu the Babylon-pro that are just some of the more prominent assistants for translators today, Ziki, and software. It is good to note that thanks to the creation of interactive sites such as forums and blogs on the Internet, practice and development of the translator’s work not only has improved but it has expanded since these sites language corrections are quite effective and by work, in these places you can find several people interested in such services. Include a site especially developed from the evolution of the Informatica,, which among its most outstanding services shown to translators in any part of the world as an excellent way to get job online, in any language and destined for any kind of translation activity. On the other hand, the computer as it is known by all it has allowed within their greatest advantages, shorten the distances, which is is no stranger to the development of the translator’s work, since the creation of live audiovisual communication programs has contributed to make translations not only written but also oral anytime and anywhere in the world. Own to highlight a very good example of the application of information technology in the work of the translators, that example is the translation distance away as is practice at meetings of organizations such as the UN or NATO that due to the presence of guests and foreign characters requires several translations, which are carried in the majority of cases to receivers and translators through technological screens or monitors and sometimes through a good set of headphones. In conclusion, it allowed that the job of translating not only raised their levels of efficiency, but also application facilitating and improving at the same time the development of translation in various areas; not to mention also that in turn computing contributed directly to increase the application of translation guidance, develop programs and online sites previously mentioned in this article. Original author and source of the article..