Productive Intelligence

This proposal appeared in a research of field in the Fair of the Entrepreneur in the Expo? Center organized for the SEBRAI/S.P where they had participated micron, average and great Companies in the diverse pursuings of market. At the moment of the research of field in the Fair of the Entrepreneur, this researcher observed a great number of Companies of directed consultorias to supply reeducativas necessities and innovations in the production of the Companies. This article also looks for to debate the man as to be social that even so limited for the conditions, space and secular, where if they find, they possess in its essence intelligences that if reveal when despertados by an educational environment. It was through the research of field and the reading of some authors who, with ousadia that this researcher, indicates in this article the Pedagogo as Productive Intelligence. This as a new professional who, with its pedagogical knowledge in the area of the education, awake and potencializa intelligences in the professionals of the corporative world for its success not only professional, but as person human being. JUSTIFICATION the Pedagogo as Productive Intelligence has as purpose through the education a requalification in the mental process of the man, that is, a quality of thought as human being and professional in way to the differences and the scientific and technological transformations, as it clarifies (LIBNEO, 2005 P.

28) ' ' in fact with ' ' intelectualizao' ' of the productive process, the worker cannot more be improvisado' '. The intention of the Pedagogo as ' ' Produtiva&#039 intelligence; ' is to use its tool of work the Education, as: didactic knowledge, pedagogical activities and critical reflection to construct of a new relation of work, therefore according to Anthropologist Carlos Brando cited for (LIBNEO; 2005 p.26) ' ' nobody escapes of educao' '. Pedagogo as Productive Intelligence has the intentional education all as performance field, being mediating in surrounding where the man exists, through new concepts of thoughts, knowledge, Intelligences and productivity of the citizen, and to acquire knowledge that all the people have its importance and its contribution, since the simplest activity of production, until most complex.