The concepts related to the support and the diversity complement the education of the field when recommending new relations between the people and the nature and the human beings and the too much beings of ecosystems. They take in account ambient, agricultural, agrarian, economic, social the support, cultural politics and, as well as the equality of model, ethnic-racial and between generations. The education in the field is also organized in an independence attitude that stimulates the subject to one to take attitudes and to think by themselves, whereas the agricultural education constitutes in a compensatory action, therefore the citizen is seen as incapable to take attitudes or decisions and the acquired knowledge will serve to supply its more elementary lacks. In all the social and educational pointers we visibly find the populations of the field, wants are related to the school registration, the educational performance of the pupils, to the formation of the professors or the base of a physical organization of the schools. The inaquality enters the levels of escolaridade of the citizens that live in the field and the ones that they live in the cities clearly are demonstrated in the population and educational research. This reality signals for the precision to adopt politics that revert the situation of the education offered to the individuals in pertaining to school age – in order to prevent itself that this picture if perpetuates – and that, at the same time, they rescue the historical debt of the Brazilian society stops with young the adult that they live in the field and they had not had the chance of frequentar the school. Therefore, the approach will have in such a way to be the problem of the escolarizao how much the professional qualification, fortifying and extending the ingression and the duration of familiar agriculturists in the formal system of education, providing chances of escolaridade increase, professional qualification and developing solidarity and the citizenship. .