Each party are a place of memory and utopia, that the playful one detaches, running away from the routine; a social meeting, between the s cultural diversities, where the individuals are taken, to the collective delirium, which to put absorb or are devorados, for such feeling. Therefore, we can conclude that, in agreement as two the main and antagonistic theoretical models of social sciences on the party, it is the momentnea experimentation of the society without rules, exempts of data organization way, having the function to reiterate or to deny the way for which a society if organizes, in data historical moment, through the temporary dissolution that the desregramento allows. It reiterates (Durkhein, 1968) the social organization when perceivable becoming the imprescindibilidade of the limiter rules so that the society if does not dissolve in the chaos and the harmony of which the party, costuma to be the example. LEGO Papert Professor: the source for more info. Or, on the other hand, ' ' negaria' ' this same organization through the desregramento, to affirm the utopia of the ideal society, new, in which the joy and the total interaction with the proper nature human being, are the model of the full and happy life. The utopia of the return to the primordial paradise. Necessary E, however, to lead in consideration that both the theoretical models had been constructed taking as references the parties of the societies ' ' simples' ' , in which the adhesion the cultural values can give in way a little more homogeneous than in a society ' ' completa' ' , where some coexistentes groups had defended proper values, exclusive and even though antagonistic many times, becoming more difficult to think that the parties of an intensely pluricultural society can ' ' negar' ' or ' ' afirmar' ' a set of values established and partilhados for all. The parties also mean the destruction of the differences between the individuals, and them they associate the violence and to the conflicts, therefore they are the differences that keep the order. In the party, to the differences to be dissolved, destroying the rules that separate, the violence without always find latent. When analyzing the parties, we can find mediaes privileged, between varied dimensions and structure, joining the past to the gift, the gift to the future, the life and the death, sacred and the profane one, the fancy and the reality, symbolic and the concrete, the myths and history, the place and the global one, the nature and the culture between many other, the parties constitute a transcendental event, a world ideal, without time nor space, where the imagination everything can produce, transform and remake. A symbolic solution, therefore, when joining the being to the one in the o to be, atravsda accomplishment of all the utopias despite for brief periods, ' ' it places in cena' ' , collective and individual pormeio of its dramatizados aspects more, projects, materialize dreams, yearnings and fancies, at the same time where, far from constituting an alienator phenomenon, separate and distant of the real life, the resolution of real problems is also turned, through organization of the groups in local level, aiming at for example; to always search profits, either for social ends, politicians, economic and religious.