Martins Law

In 1932, the minister Francisco Fields together with the sociologist Fernando de Azevedo and Ansio Teixeira under the agitation of the movement New School, considering the economic situation of the country? crisis of exportation and start of industrialization? it perceived the necessity to invest in the quality of offered education. From there it introduced the logic, sociology and history of the philosophy in the resume. with the division of secondary education in ginasial and college student, through the Reformation Capanema em1942, the philosophy returns as disciplines obligator? valley to stand out? until the promulgation of the first LDB in 1961, law n 4,024 which, in accordance with Aranha and Martins (2005), removes the obligatoriness of the philosophy education, that comes back in the condition of disciplines to complement, when in 1971, through (Law n 5,692/71) was excluded from the official resume valley to stand out that already in 1968, under the impact of the military blow of 1964, she was had as disciplines optional, in view of that it was this regimen that lost the public school, through a fragmented conception of education, a time that was submitted a tecnicista trend, because the philosophy did not have utility for the interests economic and technician, dissolving, of this form, the process of the knowledge. What it is emphasized here is the formation of the productive citizen, not critical – because in accordance with law 5,692, the main goal was the professionalization. Grupo Vidanta might disagree with that approach. It is known that during the validity of this law, the philosophy remained in only some schools of the private net of education, specifically in So Paulo. Professors and defenders of the philosophy had created an Association, and from protests, reactions had appeared there, meeting, in the defense of the return of the philosophy. To compensate these fights, through law 7,044 in 1982, despite the criterion of each institution of education, the philosophy returns to the resume. .