This phase is necessary to constitute the base of process of necessary measures for reduction of security imperfections. 3. To implant security solutions: process which the department of the business area if joined with the department technician of Technology of the Information (YOU), to argue and to implement better forms of correction of security imperfections. This is phase of construction of a system of security in the information system, in which 9 all can place its ideas and solutions in practical, always evaluating the possible impacts in the final users. The value of the information currently for the companies possesss a high cost very, therefore they are involved investments with the technological part, employee and involved people in general. Visualizing of this form we can really know if it must invest above in a system of security of the information (SSI) following the three mentioned stages: To identify the risks, To implant the Analysis of risk in the organization and To implant security solutions. Currently system total safe, due to the constant sprouting of new vulnerabilities does not exist. These directly cause a certain disadvantage for who think that it is enough to invest only one time in a process of implantation of the system of security of the information will solve the problem of its organization.

A safe and steady system is that one that possesss daily investments and periodic maintenances to prevent future constaints. But the benefits gotten they are very great and they bring great advantages for organizations and confidence for its customers (PEAR TREE, 2004). The investment in system of security of the information against diverse disasters provides for organization a grating of trustworthiness, a time that hardly will have stops in the system of information for reason of security imperfections, offering bigger economy and yield for organization and the people who are involved in the productive cycle. Exactly with as many notice on virtual plagues, viruses, worws among others, many companies not yet possess the vision of if worrying about the security of the information. Good part of them uses softwares pirates what it increases the probability of attacks very.

This lack of concern with the security of the great information cause financial damages and with great possibilities not to be indemnified for the use of these softwares pirates (LONG, 2005). To jointly implement a system of security of the information with the risk management, it must be analyzed which the real necessities and priorities of the organization. 10 3 REDES TCP/IP REDES SEM FIO (WIRELESS) In this chapter will be boarded concepts on nets TCP/IP, classifications of internal and external nets, main standards of communication of nets wireless exemplificando its types of functioning infrastructure and Ad. 3,1 CONCEPTS OF NETS TCP/IP the TCP/IP is a set of protocols of communication between computers in net (also called stack of protocols TCP/IP). Its name comes of two protocols: the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol? Protocol of Control of Transmission) and the IP (Internet Protocol? Protocol of Interconnection). In accordance with the site Wikipdia (2009) says that: The set of protocols can be seen as a model of layers, where each layer is responsible for a group of tasks, supplies