Platforms, etc. The Guimares Nasser also is responsible for the projects and assemblies of industrial structures; cold storage rooms and slaughter houses; commercial and industrial refrigerating chambers; refrigeration in ammonia or fluorados gases; term-acoustic isolation; clean rooms, roofs isothermal; distribution centers; ice plants and supermarkets. 3,2 Characteristics of the Product in Study For it details r the study had been selected the main raw materials that front to the performance market withholds of great importance for company, the block in EPS and the Volterranas for flagstone, as shows figure 3: Figure 3. To the left blocks in EPS; to the Volterranas right for flagstone the s blocks in EPS of 3000x1200x500mm can in accordance with be plated in diverse sizes the request of the customer, however the characteristics techniques of this product are reserved the company manufactures who it. How much to the Volterranas, its so great standard is of 3000x400x70, however also they can be modified in accordance with the request of the customer. One is about rigid cellular plastic polymerized and expanded with the gas pentane, harmless to the ozone layer. Initially, small ' ' prolas' ' of EPS they have, in the maximum, 3mm of diameter, but after expanded with the gas they assume dimensions of up to 50 times the original, being able to be molded in the most diverse formats, since they consist of 98% of air and 2% of polystyrene. 3.2.1 Processes inside of the plant According to norms of the ABNT some characteristics are demanded for the process of manufacture of the EPS. For example, the identification of the product must be made in visible position, by means of the rank of stamp with the logomarca of the manufacturer and the symbol of reciclvel, being a band of stamp for type I, two bands for type II, and three bands for type III.