The Educator Hospital

The purpose of child hospitalization care, is none other than the educate for life, which corresponds to the educator and role that undoubtedly goes beyond the specific work of the health workforce. The pedagogical activity as a complement to medical action in hospitals has taken nature letter for years in different European and American countries. Bryant Estate is the source for more interesting facts. He is known that in past decades many hospitals Pediatrics services were closed even to parents and there was no place for the education of children in this environment so rigid. Hospital pedagogy constitutes a special mode of understanding the pedagogy. It is oriented and configured by the indisputable fact of the disease and framed by the concrete area that constitutes the hospital institution where carried out. Offered as a revitalised pedagogy of life and for life, which constitutes a constant experiential communication between the life of the learner and the educator life, and take advantage of any situation, by painful as it may seem, to enrich afflicted by it who, turning their suffering into learning (Lizasoain, 2000). In this same line, the Valley and Villanezo (1993) clarified that hospital pedagogy is not a closed but multidisciplinary science that is still defining its object of study to respond to situations which, in the conjunction of the health and education fields, society is demanding, making equally necessary care programs the convalescent child, i.e.conceiving the convalescence at home as an extension of the period of hospitalisation.

The hospitable educator must possess a series of personal and professional characteristics that facilitate its work and facilitating the full development in this particular medium: personal characteristics: maturity and personal balance to live and deal with certain experiences of the hospital environment. -Openness, flexibility, sensitivity and communication skills that facilitate positive personal relationships. -Be capable of understand and solve any emotional situation of the child against the sense of pain, disease and death.