The Art And The Masses

“Art is art thanks to the man and the beauty of man is through art.”-Author unknown. Over the years, there have been various types of art, including sculpture, architecture, painting, theater, photography, literature, crafts, engravings, film and more. Although these have been revolutionized, at the beginning of time were divided into different cultures, which developed different habits in which, in some cases, did not allow any individual or group of people with such delight. In the following essay, will be held on the subject of art and its influence on the masses. For this, we describe the arts that allow access to any individual as the principal authors of these. Should describe each type of art.

Photography is the art of setting and play through chemical reactions on surfaces properly prepared, the images collected at the bottom of a camera obscura. “1) The photograph is an art that can be divided into two distinct branches: the digital photography and professional. The photo sharing different types of treatment which today are part of the domain of advertising, and not as something artistic. Photography as art is to serve a business purpose which is to get the viewer’s attention, to push it to consume or purchase a product through a recognized image modified in a laboratory or using a specific software. The picture may well make the masses because they express a real way of everyday life, and thus any group of people can identify with this art form.

Another type of art that moves the masses is the cinema. The film “was developed around 1890, due to the union of photography, that records the physical reality, with the game of persistence of vision, that made it appear that the pictures were moving. Four major film traditions have developed since then: fictional narrative films, documentaries, animation and experimental film. “(. Raez LUNA, Mario) As mentioned above the picture is related to photography, this indicates that the film as well as share the impact photography to the masses. That is, these two kinds of art are more than influential in the culture of the masses, this is because the film as an art expresses vividly relevant issues of daily life. In 1925, it was a movement called “Art Deco”, which affected the decorative arts such as architecture, interior design and industrial design, visual arts as well as fashion, painting and graphic arts film. This movement also affected the entire Modernism, Art Nouveau and Futurism. This form of art is closely connected with the art of the masses because we can find enough places to go: to a restaurant, etc. in public places. This art form but could be used on a personal point could also be appreciated by the public. Mass culture comes from an adaptation of elite art, because with these arts the masses adapted so that it is for everyone. The culture of the masses is for society as it feels that way to an artistic movement involved, since art is made for all types of people. In my personal opinion about mass art: advertising, photography, “Art deco” are the most successful art forms in the world. This is because all individuals have access to it. Whether a simple graffiti, an advertisement or distribution of a restaurant, mass art is everywhere. Therefore, art is more visible to the public.