Tag: internet

Internet Resources

There are many ways to promote a project. There are methods of promotion are black, and are white. It is worth a closer look at the illegal (black) website promotion. Black methods of promotion are simply created for the web studios mushrooming projects polluting the Internet, confusing the user inadvertently caught in them. Using these methods of promotion to no good will not.

Indeed, such works are not honest webmasters will move very quickly, but not for long. After a short time such online resources are likely to be banned by search engines. For black methods of promotion and advancement of sites include: 1) Use Doorway – pages, redirect the user to another more frequented resource. Search engine spiders to index the page and are redirected to another location, and the page is rated as popular. After the page will be indexed, webmasters will replace the doorway to a normal page, but search engines often detect such fraud and penalize the site owner.

2) Cloaking – the mask. A more advanced and sophisticated the previous method. Changes identified by the ip-address of buyers and the search engine robots. Users are brought to the site, easily readable and well executed, very comfortable. And robots – on page score keywords. However, this method is very complicated, its creator must have the highest skills of programming and optimizing pages. 3) Use a clear text that is not by users, but notice the robots. Also used transparent image. All this leads, ultimately, to the ban. 4) The use of so-called link spam. This is when the link exchange occurs between the resources mismatched subjects. Is there any desire from the user not interesting to visit his site? 5) Create a site specifically for robots, stuffed with keywords. When such a site will rise to the top, its contents are changed so that the user was interested in him attend. A need is Internet sites, stuffed with keys, unreadable, do not carry in itself useful information. 6) Website of the satellite (assistants, companions), promoting a primary site. Satellites also are not useful information, they just clutter the Internet. This is the most basic ways of promotion of black sites. But there are many more. It is important to understand that these methods except the inconvenience to do anything more can not. Internet sites have to scrape by, created exclusively for the promotion. And most importantly – never do it yourself!

OpenFile Backup

As a backup program using a free utility Backup42. Install the program. Program prescribed in the Startup folder. After the computer restarts, you will have a new icon in the tray. Click on it twice with the mouse. Open the main window. Getting started. Open penultimate tab 'Settings'.

Figure 2. Configure FTP-access push the button 'Settings FTP' button and we enter our access settings (the second line in the figure). Quite simply, no explanation required. If you are running through a proxy, an example I refer to the first line. The first column is written IP-address of your proxy server, then login and file sharing across a dog, a password (not shown) and the maximum file size in megabytes that you ready to pour on OpenFile.ru. That is, if you put the limit is 200 mb, and your backup weighs 300MB, then it will be filled on file sharing.

Be sure to test the connection click on 'Test'. If successful, the test begin forming itself backup task. Open the first tab 'Tasks'. Figure 3. The main program window if you want, then double click the mouse on the name test and rename it to something more meaningful, like 'My backup'. By 'Next' button to the second tab 'Folders and Files' Figure 4. Bookmark 'Folders and Files' Here we mark the check the documents that we want to put in the backup (backup). To start, set a minimum list documents. For example, only 'documents Word, Excel'. In the future, you can always return to this tab and expand the list.


Google – the biggest search engine on the Internet that exists in our time, and tailored to his site is not so easy. This paper presents some techniques that will allow your project to advance in the search engine Google. This will take from you is not enough time, from several months to a year. 1.Sozdavayte site for the debt for you have chosen a domain name. For the first publication of the site on the Internet, you must be 100 + pages of original content. This Article programs and so on. depending on what topic your site.

2.Domennoe name. It should be easy to remember. Now is the time brands. Sonorous name will be many times more popular than a simple 'set of characters. " 3.Razmer pages – less the better. Just do not run to create a page without the design. Site design should be optimized.

Each page should 'weigh "not more than 15-20Kb. And then 20 kb for the low-speed modem – a lot. For every second of delay loading site, you can lose up to 10% of visitors. Users can not wait. 4.Do not lean on JavScript, Google does not like them, and in other matters all the search engines do not like them. Do not include an important, targeted content in Javascript. You can use ajax, but try to use or develop is optimized scripts. 5.Sdelayte so that the search spiders to index your site, do not face difficulties. Link to internal links from your homepage. Be sure to keep the site "Site Map". 6.Uchet statistics – keep track of all incoming requests and the way the site. Look for practical, accurate data logger that can help you. Put the counter and watch for incoming traffic. But in no case do not try to cheat. 7.Obraschayte attention to the requests that people use. If your site is about mobile phones, create a keyword's and cellular, and just 'mobile phones. " Users on such requests will fall on Your they need is the site. The search engine itself tells you which queries, most people are looking for what you have, the main thing to listen to this. 8. Create a page a day. Google loves when the site is updated frequently. If you wake add a page a day, for the year you will be 400 original pages, which will bring you targeted traffic. 9.Originalnost. If your site will have everything, absolutely everything, the original (content) is the target audience you certainly not lose. Place your content with the right KeyWord'ami. Case KeyWord'y must contain at least 5% of the content of one page. 10.Proveryayte site every six months. Browse through increased if your tic and pr, if you check everywhere 'Zalistili "if all your pages indexed. If that something is wrong, fix it. Using these ten steps, after a year you can call your site a success. It will have its own target audience, which ranges from 500 to 1000 users, it will attract surfers who will bring your website targeted traffic. Targeted traffic, will not make you think of to send him back on track. Good luck!

Professional Site

With this you can save time and money, and as a result of a site that meets all your requirements. Despite the fact that more and more people use broadband Internet, many people still access the Internet through a telephone line. And someone else can enjoy high-speed wireless connection, whose rate depends on the number of users at any one time is an important time for any site – do not miss the moment when the profits from the site begins to decline. At this time, it is necessary that the redesign of the site. After Professional website redesign profit increases. Redesign of the site should not be a one-time action, but must be constantly progressing.

Only with the help of a professional effort, time and cost developed competitive corporate websites that will provide guaranteed income to their owners. All that is needed – a little planning, a small accommodation, a little strategy and a lot of team work. Functional expansion – is adding new software modules, as well as existing cms (content management system), or the development of a new, if the current does not cope with the challenges before it delivered. Many publications can not be correctly interpreted without photos. Photographers of Ingate happy to help create your own original photographs for your web resource. The largest bank in the number of such 'Conservative' – the Savings Bank of Russia. The Bank has long had a reputation for reliable and stable, mostly due to public status.

Kind of stability can be traced in the shape of the bank's website. Experts say that that a site redesign is required every 2-3 years for conventional web projects and each year for projects in the field of electronic commerce. In this period there are completely new technologies and capabilities to implement them. After this time required to complete overhauls or repairs. Very often the need to redesign sites whose owner is planning to actively promote them in the search engines or use a serious marketing and promotions campaigns. Effective way to get the project to bring maximum benefit – it is a site redesign. Thus, quite cheap by service redesign web site you can get a well-organized online portal and the opportunity to receive good profit from it. Current opportunities, new effects, effektinye solutions