
And in any case, do not use an ordinary cloth, but even more so – not smoothing wallpaper from the middle to the edges. Otherwise, all the mess. The fact that is still wet from glue wallpaper to a time warp. Moist swell, and relief spreads and disappears. But it dries, the figure tends to recover, but it prevents glue. And the panels between the edges of the gaps may appear. However, even with this accident is not tushuytes, do not panic. And it is not necessary, cursing, tear off the wallpaper.

Take the putty and fingers (not with a spatula) spend on each seam. Method two: Is it possible to paint the interlining? The second type of wallpaper under paint – non-woven wallpaper. Fleece – a panel made of compressed fiber segments, very dense in structure. What is Nonwoven? To, for example, do some detail jacket nemnuscheysya to just the wrong side and stick interlining. So, just for him (through a stencil with a pattern), sprayed foam vinyl. The reverse side of wallpaper (wrong side), however, remains smooth. If you buy wallpaper for painting non-woven basis – a remarkable thing in all respects, because glue them even easier than paper. They are not deformed, not compressed, not vzbuhayut.

Moreover, the adhesive plaster is not cloth, but only a wall. Therefore, the adhesive will need less and work will be fun. It is because of the strength of specialists is particularly recommended to glue them in new homes. Wallpapers non-woven, not only will not tear from shrinkage of the walls, but in a sense, will keep the crack will not let her go further. And everything is good. But there they have a 'harmful': should be handled very carefully. The fact that the relief (foamed vinyl) in principle can be scraped off even with a fingernail. Therefore, they must necessarily paint, then the top layer become much stronger.