Many teachers and not only one given that philosophy entails, basically, an awareness of reflexive confrontation to reality, its fruit is expressed as a very personal conquest. The universe presents not only physical evidence that science is responsible for to derive its laws; It is also, inconstancias, riddles, mysteries, uncertainties, cundido, whereupon each teacher gives his explanation, assuming a very particular position, expressing their own responses. Views on the universe or world not precisely valid universally (forgive the redundancy). Expressions of his thinking, from his particular way of explain the world about the context of their particular historical era. So many teachers could involve the study or allusion both to many approaches as historical eras of humanity.
Because each historical moment since answers to the mysteries according to their degree of science and vital maturity (wisdom) are invoked. From Plato to Marx not only median times, but multiple feints of explanation of reality. Studied with many teachers, because it means to participate in the knowledge of the other to feed himself, alluding in their details to the clarifications of history and human passions. Always, of course, taking into account the squab of philosopher who philosophize aims to develop own criterion that there will not be sufficient with the simple repetition of doctrines, as they did you teachers them in each of his seasons. Different philosophical systems. The man determines the era or the time man? The man, according to the cognitive resources that count in its historical moment, tempts the enigma in their own way.
His life and existence, peculiar about his historical moment, ask for clarifications. The prior existence of other thinkers could be leverage to cement a new stance with regard to the world, but essentially a philosophical system responds to the need for its peculiar time response. It has philosophy, as the Science, systematization and acquis in the teaching of the ancient, but it itself involves a blatant and personal position towards life. It is always at its time. It would be foolish to get out there to people that repeat like parrots closed postulates of other philosophical doctrines and call them philosophers. Anyone who as Plato explains the present world surely will be something silly, more if it gets to the idea that it is a philosopher (do this without waiting to repeat those other elemental philosophers explaining life according to air, fire, Earth or water). Philosophy as personalized knowledge. Said above: each season, a position, but philosophical system. Philosophy as a scientific discipline, such as chemistry or physics is not learned. Assimilates a way of thinking and judging; enigmatic territories with personal insight will conquer. There are no laws or rules. There are simply lives with thoughtful positions on its existence. The impersonal scientific knowledge science and its rules belong to them all. It can be asible by all. It is to discourage universal, when their language is assumed to reach their centers. It does not imply personal commitment in the assimilation of its laws. Anyone who take your road is susceptible isolate and conceptualize their records. There is no creativity no commitment in the Act of lifting the backdrops that saved their repitencias. Philosophy, on the other hand, is a position towards life. Give shape to an explanation about the fact of existence implies the assumption of a subjective position, where creativity comes into action to found explanatory worlds, parallel metaphysicians of the physical exterior reality that explores science.