The success of a company depends on many factors, among them, we are going to devote a few minutes to analyze factors such as time and active listening. These, among other factors that we’ll discuss at another time, are research elements to keep in mind also when planning a good promotion or advertising campaign.Taking the time to listen to our customers, people that surround us in our daily life, our family, simply to listen actively more often, brings knowledge and from that knowledge of needs that are on the street, in people who surround us, we can start a good promotion campaign. Through this listening we can investigate and subtly of inform us that this is what people need, which are their dreams, their ideals, which is what you really want, what are their concerns, as your needs.Perceive a whole secondary sensations are linked to those needs and translate them into the means that we have to communicate with our customers, suppliers and employees for the better functioning of the company.Periodically repeat these analyses by listening to active of the needs of those around the company, customers, friends and family, to plan subsequent actions of promotion. Invest a little time in listening and analyze before making a decision on the means of advertising and promotional items to choose each season, are marketing actions that help companies to ensure the profitability of the investment made in promotional items. As Aristotle already long time ago: we are the result of what we do in a repetitive way. Excellence, therefore, is not an action or attitude, but a habit. The habit promote themselves, be present in the memory of the consumer through articles promoting them is a habit able to restructure the companies and keep them at the Summit.The personal brand of a company, its public image released by advertising or by advertising gifts or promotional actions, is so much more important that the goods or services marketed. Keep that good image is a fact that companies get through repeated campaigns of promotion, innovating in promotional gifts, surprising with ads that they know to capture the essence of the company by combining it with the satisfaction of the needs or motivations of the sector that are intended.Get ahead in time to the promotional actions of the competition, is a fact that makes certain brands own the authenticity of the image that they want to give, so it is important to seize every moment, investigate and listen in anticipation of competition in the promotional actions.Promote the company is for all those who want to succeed, achieve their goals, positively influencing people in its trading environment, a fact that needs time, listens, dedication and a good system of communication such as advertising and promotional items.