Tag: Research


But scientists, like those who are employees of NASA and other organizations recognize that the lie of trying to intimidate people is a distraction from more important academic issues such as global warming and depletion of the gene pool. We live in a country where rampant freedom of speech (freedom of the press), but it also implies freedom to lie. You should be pleased that there is no censorship. But if you'll just use common sense, I'm sure you'll be able to recognize faulty information. As soon as we approach 2012, the lie will become more apparent.

18. Can you prove to me that the existence of Nibiru – a lie? So many posts that in 2012, something terrible will happen! It is illogical to ask to prove that the Judgement Day 2012 – a lie. Your questions should be addressed to the defenders of the theory of the end of the world that they have shown that telling the truth, rather than NASA must prove that they are hypocrites. If someone is declared on the Internet that Cleveland purple elephant is walking tall in a 50-feet, it would someone to expect that NASA will prove that it is not true? The burden of proof rests on those who make the 'wild' statements. Remember the often quoted statement from Carl Sagan (Carl Sagan), that extraordinary claims require an extraordinary level of evidence, if they want to believe them. Nevertheless, I believe that astronomers have reached a level where we can offer very strong arguments for the claim that Nibiru does not exists.