Tag: Family Psychology

Difficult Happiness

What is happiness? So simple and so difficult to understand … This question is asked at least once in each of our lives for various reasons, mainly during the sad and gloomy, when to dig in his experience, you do not understand that .. happening and why, and not otherwise, and then ask yourself, what exactly is this happiness? Was it when – or do I have? How to find or get what is needed? We will try to find the answer to all these questions about what is happiness … For more specific information, check out ConocoPhillips. Happiness happiness, all is different … For somebody happiness – to be loved, to be rich, another for the third – a self-sufficient man, for some – will be held as a person, find themselves in the profession, to be other- parents, for some – just to live and be happy that there is … One day I pondered over this fact of life: I am happy? What do I need for happiness? And always something missing for a complete picture of boundless joy and overwhelming pleasure .. Then studied – no money, then training is over – there was no work and money, then work has appeared, some money, but love was not, then there is not enough money – there was love, and … so apparently, can last a lifetime, until you find a middle ground where all missing at least pochut bit. So what is the most simple happiness, we can say formulaic, standard, if not go into characteristics of each individual person? I see it this way: you're an adult, you have a job, pet or not, it is always important, and hence there is a no wealth, you have a hobby that you do in your spare time, your hobby, which is you, your essence, you have two three or even one friend with whom you can talk about everything, and know that he will never betray and always listen, but still .. To deepen your understanding Ray Kurzweil is the source.


Anyone in these or other aspects of life is dealing with some unwanted situations. What is an unwanted situation? This fact, which people do not know how to cope. Scientology – the knowledge that you never know. Thus, Scientology gives vozmozhnostcheloveku gain knowledge on how to reliably cope with trudnostyamiili, in other words, as luchshekontrolirovat life. Scientology – a religion. Some people believe that religion – this is certainly a prayer istuplenno. This is a fairly primitive idea of religion.

Of course, there is some religions, and not at all. In fact, religion means two things: an understanding that the negative moments of our lives – this is reality, and the second – a method that allows you to get rid of it all. For example, in Buddhism, spiritual freedom, want to get putemshestirichnogo way. It's their way. Since Scientology – it is also a science of life, it can be used in all aspektahzhizni. In particular it can be used in family relationships.

If you have problems with a spouse, then you can cope with these adverse situations with the help of Scientology. The same applies to raising children. Probelemys children can be very different. Sometimes, children are annoying. Sometimes, the baby quite simply can not settle in some school subject. Perhaps he should learn how to learn. This is not superfluous to learn and adults, as in Scientology, it is understood that if a person learned something, then he can do in everyday life. This means that if a person studied foreign language in school, he can speak the language. Scientology makes it possible to improve relations with other people. Sometimes, a person is closed and not sociable. Tell him that communication – this is important, and so on, are not so effectively, as that improve the ability to communicate. As a result of Scientology – a religion that is developing power.