Tag: birds

7 Tips To Care For Your Skin In Winter

During winter temperatures rise and low humidity level. Although the upper part of the skin cells have a natural moisturizing factor, being so dry environment, the body can’t react as fast. While there is greater natural moisturizing factor, the skin suffers from dryness. To make matters worse, heating systems further dries the air. To combat the bad weather, it is best to follow these simple tips 1.

Hydration. Moisturizer is essential during this time of year because you need more skin. Do not be afraid to apply it several times a day if so requested by the skin. Our beauty routine has to vary depending on the circumstances. It is possible that we may need a more rich, oily cream in winter with a greater proportion of oil than water. But it verifies that you do not plug the pores. 2. Apply sunscreen.

We not only need to apply sunscreen in the summer. If we want to have a uniform and spotless complexion should protect themselves from harmful effects of the Sun. Apply the cream Solar 30 minutes before leaving and if you’ll be outdoors will have to reapply it several times. 3. Use a humidifier. Does not need to be an expensive product and we will put it in 2 or 3 places of the House. You can even serve to put a glass with water on top of the stove or radiator. 4 Say goodbye to hot baths. Bathe in very hot water makes that natural skin lipids that hold moisture and hydration be removed. Therefore, a reasonable option is bathing in warm water and apply some droplets of oil such as almond or jojoba. 5 Take care of your hands. Hands skin is thinner and contains fewer oil glands so it has a tendency to dry out. To combat the wrinkled skin apply hand cream several times and leaving a great ally to the street are gloves. If we are allergic to wool, let’s not forget before use cotton finite gloves to protect the skin. 6 Protects the lips with a balm rich in vitamin E, antioxidant. You do not ever get wet the lips with your tongue because you only get that your lips are drying more. 7. Dress in layers. This will avoid excess heat, simply you have to take off a garment. Many people to be the skin in contact with a fiber such as wool and sweating are irritated and scratch their. So it is best to always wear a shirt in cotton in contact with the skin. Original author and source of the article.