The Importance of the Human Capital for the Organizations. Administration always was present since the sprouting of the society, however she had its bigger focus with the advent of the Industrial Revolution in England between 1840 and 1873, where she had a great economic growth. In this period, which had to the agricultural exodus, the peasants if on account submitted the irrisrios wages of the professional disqualification. From the work of Frederick Winslow Taylor the school appeared of the scientific administration, who had as main objective to increase the productivity of the plants, and to develop the qualification of the laborers through the study of times and movements. But, with the Theory of the Relations Human beings it was changed conception of administration, who started to emphasize the human being as basic part of the organizacional process.
With this, some theories had appeared inside, objectifying the motivation and the accomplishment of the man of the companies. However, the vision in relation to the collaborator still was very pessimistic, therefore it not yet was seen as partner in the taking of decisions, not being explored its potentialities. Only with the Organizacional Development (OF), the technological advance and the globalization, the companies had started to have a holistic vision and had perceived the great value of the human capital; therefore the man is a pensante being capable to contribute with ideas that help in the growth of the company. From then on the Participativa Management appeared that brought the collaborators to be part of the elaboration of the strategical planning, tactical and operational of the organizations. Inside of the competitiveness of the market, it is that the importance of the participation of the internal customers was perceived, for the development of the companies.