Original content valley ouroNs that we work with digital marketing, we know that in the blogosfera the content is something valuable. You are better to spend 2 hours writing two original paragraphs of what to be 2 hours copying texts of other sites or blogs. If its posts well will be made the users will arrive devagarzinho. To each post the flow of visitors will increase. Certain prescription for the success. It writes and escrevNo is enough to write, to write and to write. It searches the contents that are being looked for.
It unites the subjects that you like more with the looked subjects. It makes a linking between them and it writes. It goes to the best Google and it sees which are posts in its area, sees rankeados and the hands most workmanship. It gives to wing its creativity! You are not the Pablo Picasso of the WebNo you are necessary to have a super layout, with five hundred sections and thousand of categories. Having a quality content he is better of what having one design complex, mainly for the buscadores. Then, he spends more time writing content of what choosing the colors of background! relaxeMelhore sees an example of success with the page Amor.No Poetries what you wrote.
It does not forget its articles that are postados. It perfects them. Choice new word-keys, obtains links external for they, divulges them. Many blogueiros think that it is alone to write a quality article, to publish and forget it. It never thinks thus! I add despite the Google likes dynamic pages, that if they put into motion and if they develop throughout the time. mesmoConhea knows you it you the tools of its platform of blog, as Blogspot, WordPress and others. Plugins of otimizao knows all, believes they gives resulted. After knowing the tools well, it makes constant tests. Especially, with those pages more visited of its blog. blogAnalise knows yours its accountant of visits. Of preference the Google Analytics uses. Blog inside knows everything on the flow of visitors of its, of where they see, for where they go, etc. Know which are the texts and pages of bigger success and study them. You it can apply the same principles to other pages. David Lucas Freitas is specialist in SEO, otimizao of Sites, Marketing Politician, Digital Marketing, PPC, links sponsored and works in the Metafour:. Our company knows. We take care of all in Brazil!