Beyond remaining more hours online the Brazilian also surpasses other countries in number of had access pages. Another research carried through for the Date leaf 35, the TV, although to be the main source of information for the young Brazilian comes falling in the preference of this public, to the step that Internet comes consolidating its space of source of trustworthy information. How much to the research in the Internet, if on the other hand the amount of available information also represents an advance in the democratization of access, on the other hand it creates the necessity to separate what it is of interest of reliable quality and, and of hierarquizar this infinite world of information.
How much the production of content for the way on line, we must consider that we are producing content for a public reader that makes use of all these resources for the navigation and the learning. In this manner, we can call the ticket the text for hipertexto, an interconnection of texts that can present on the format of writing without photo and animation, video, etc. Such interconnections if they make for ways of links or hiperligaes, ‘ ‘ more hipertexto only is not applied to ciberespao. In the reading classic for former (texts printed matters), the reader if engages in also hipertextual process, since the reading is made by interconexes’ ‘. For Pierre Levy the base of everything is alfabetizao, that is, therefore if we do not know to read and to write we cannot read and to write in the paper, also we cannot make it in the screen. Therefore, in fact when if it speaks in alfabetizao in the new technologies it has a little of meaconing because any child, ahead of a computer, after one week, learns if to capsize and until can teach the adults. The true problem is alfabetizao, in the future, the trend will be to read and to write in the Internet, in this great net of communication, or what it will go to substitute it.