Graphics: Illustrative Schematic of prosperity energy and environmental 6 medium dilemma. Some experiences of comparative energy sustainability policy: the energy policies of developed countries maintained the basic objectives of security in energy supply, the energy contribution to the increase in competitiveness of the economy and the integration of environmental objectives. That aside from consider renewable energies as a priority, to ensure supplies and environmental objectives, they will keep the oil the most important fossil resource. European Community: Convention on diversity biological requires parties to integrate as far as possible and as appropriate the conservation and sustainable use on biological diversity, in the relevant sectors and plans and sectoral programmes. Environmental evolution is an important tool for the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of certain plans and programmes which may have significant effects on the environment on the Member States, as well the implementation of plans and programmes is guaranteed during their preparation and before their adoption. United Kingdom: Well the Group of research and review of the 2002 energy, responsible study challenges of energy policy, includes the importance of the improvement in technology for the purpose of maintaining environmental sustainability. At the same time; It is recommended the capture and storage of carbon dioxide and the continuation of the burning of fossil fuels, and then match the respective establishment of the UKERC (UK) Energy Research Centre)-in 2005 as well as for the 2006 create the Institute for energy technology of private and public capital that provide RD & D (Research, Development and Demonstration). Then add a policy of trade, energy generation and supply are partly private, regulated industry making it one of the industries of energy more liberalized worldwide, which along with energy policy and opinion published are meas them determinants for innovative and technological energy production. Relying since then, countries mainly Europeans the need to generate new oil policies based on sustainability, as well as other alternative sources of power generation.